A day in the life of a bedridden guy.

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The lights of the room blind you, even through your eyelids. You hear a light snoring coming from beside you, and that's wen you feel the light pressure on your chest. Opening an eye, you see the white roof of a room you weren't familiar with.

You groan and close your eyes again, not wanting to wake up from such a good dream you had. The one where you were married to Gura and everything. You look around and see a heart monitor, letting out a steady beep beep beep. You remember the previous events before you had the dream.

You had been stabbed and lost a lot of blood, so from anyone's best guess, you were in hospital. You hear the same light snoring again, and this time you look for the source that was seemingly coming from the weight rested on your chest.

Looking down you saw it wasn't a weight, rather Gura's head resting on your chest as she sat beside you, still in her clothes from the day you were stabbed. Looking at her again you smile, thinking back on the memories you had made in the dream you had while you were unconscious.

You grab Gura's hand and caress it gently. You hold her hand and decide it would be best to sleep more to pass time. so you close your eyes and prepare yourself to slip back into dream world, hoping to have the same dream again...


The sound of a camera shutter snaps you awake as you look at the door, craning your neck to see over. Hearing giggling, you see the 4 other girls chuckling over a camera in Amelia's hand. Putting 2 and 2 together you realised they must have caught you in 4K holding Gura's hand.

Blushing furiously you let go and wave towards the girls "Uh hi" You say awkwardly smiling, rubbing the back of your nape. "So, what brings the 4 of you girls here?" You ask them, wanting to change the topic.

"Well, us 5 just wanted to check on you to see how you're doing, you were out for a couple of hours" Kiara says with concern.

You raise and eyebrow and look out the window, indeed seeing it was dark out already. You look at them once again "So is Gura gonna stay here or is someone gonna carry her back?" You ask, hoping that Gura could stay.

"Well, she does seem to be pretty chummy with you, so I guess she can stay~" Ina responded with a smirk

"Nothing funny though" Amelia said threateningly

You put your hands up in a surrender position, "I'm innocent!" You shout jokingly. But inside you really hoped the girls would let Gura stay, you had enjoyed the dream you had while you were out and you didn't want it to end.

"Alright, fine, she can stay" Calli said, giving in while the 4 girls smirked "After all, pretty sure you've taken a liking to our little shark girl huh?"

You look down and blush again, laughing nervously and rubbing your nape "Ahaha, yeah, I do like her" You admitted to the girls

"We knew it." They all responded at the same time, making you laugh nervously again.

"Well, its getting late, we'll be getting off now. See you tomorrow (Y/N), and remember, nothing funny" Kiara reminded you.

"Alright alright I get it." You smile, sticking your hands up once again, and with that the girls all filed out of the hospital room, with Gura still sleeping with her head rested on your chest. Hearing the door slam followed by science, you sigh and look down at Gura, sleeping peacefully.

You turn the TV on and watch the news. The headline read

Breaking news: Teenager stabbed in the stomach as he fights drunken man in the mall:

Earlier today, there were reports of a stabbing at the local mall, we have spoken to the police and it is known that this man has been previously arrested for charges of assault, pedophilia, harassments and abuse. Eyewitness reports say that the man was allegedly trying to molest the boys girlfriend while he was shopping.

When the boy came back it was reported that the man started screaming at the boy and started to throw punches. The boy, apparently being an experienced martial arts student fought back, subduing the man, but not before the man got the opportunity to reach for, and grab his knife, which had a blade length of recorded 10 centimetres and stabbed the boy in the lower abdomen, piercing a vein and part of his stomach.

The boy was hospitalized with non fatal wounds but they were still serious, and the suspect is currently being detained and jailed for multiple charges of assault and pedophilia. Aside from that, there have been no other cases in the neighbourhood. This is Shay D Mann reporting for 69 news. Over to you Chris P Baconn.

Switching off the TV, you sigh as you think about your brawl at the shopping mall. That man that you had been fighting was definitely up to no good, yet, why did you feel so angry at it?

You come to a realization that it was because he was doing it to Gura. Gura, the girl you secretly loved,. The girl who you had no idea if she loved you back or not.

Sighing once again, you analyze your fight. From what you can remember before you passed out, he had thrown the usual jab and cross combo that you see in every fight, only thing is was that he was exposing himself all over the place.

Thinking more, you then remember that after he had exposed himself after the combo, you had went in and delivered a push kick to his thigh, a move which would make anyone's leg buckle.

Fortunately for you, the man had turned his back to you, allowing you to mount him and put him in the rear naked choke, a move that could put anyone to sleep in a matter of seconds.

But for some reason, this guy had gotten his hands free from getting stuck and unbeknownst to you he had a knife in his pocket. And that's about when you got stabbed.

You thought of a lot of different ways you could have avoided it, but you never would of figured out he had a knife before you got stabbed.

Luckily though, you were conscious enough to finish the choke and knock the guy out; who knows what could've happened to Gura if you didn't.

Shaking your head once again, ridding yourself of too many thoughts, you look at Gura, still sleeping peacefully and smile wholesomely. Thinking it was definitely a bad idea to be sleeping while sitting up.

You decide to pull her onto the bed with you, lifting the sheets up and placing it back down over her, and the two of you were now officially sleeping together for the first time (Besides in the dream that is)

Once again, feeling happy and content, you close your eyes and let the peaceful darkness of sleep envelope you.

Hololive High (Modern high school AU) (Gawr Gura x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now