~Movies~ pt.2

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Soobin jumps in his seat quickly turning off his phone as he looks behind him to see where that voice came from.

He sees a blond boy with glasses, and looks to be around his age. The boy looks familiar but Soobin cant quiet remember where he has seen him. The blond boy giggles and sits himself next to Soobin.

"Sorry to scare ya!"

Soobin slowly nods still lost at why the boy came up to him in the first place.

"Sooo, who are the notes about? Oh wait let me guess its that Yeonjun kid in our class right? The pink haired one?"

"Y-Yeah? And our class? ohhh that's where I recognize you from, we have English together right?"

The blond boy rolls his eyes at Soobin amazed at how unobservant he is. "Well obviously. Anyways, are you guys like dating yet or something?"

"W-What? No.. Why would you say that?"

"Well I see you guys in class, even though you guys are on opposite sides of the room you always manage to get his attention and do these really weird intense starring contest."

Soobin softly chuckles. "I wouldn't exactly describe it like that but I guess you're right. He actually um technically stood me up today, I'm sure he is busy though."

"ooo trouble in paradise? I'm sure if you showed him those notes of yours things will go back to being good."

"No no, we didn't fight or anything he is just.. distancing himself.. why are we even talking about this? I just realize I don't even know your name."

"Well you do, you've definitely heard it, you just don't remember it. Maybe you should listen for it next time we are in class."

"Orr you could tell me it now."

"Nope, don't think so. I actually have to get going now but it was nice speaking to you, I guess."

Soobin looked at they boy confused yet again as the boy got up and started jogging back to where Soobin assumes he came form.

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