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With all her exams done with, Yeji had only one more thing planned before her summer break. The party.

Truthfully, she was both excited and dreading it.

It was good to experienced something like this so that she at least had some knowledge about parties once she went to college.

Yet the fact she had never had alcohol or attended something like that, made her all the more nervous about it.

But it didn't really matter because there they were. Entering what she assumed to be Heejin's house, since it was her party.

She could hear the loud music filling the otherwise silent night since they had gotten close to the house. Luckily, there didn't seem to be many houses around, so the noise probably wasn't disturbing that many people. The location was actually rather remote compared to where Yeji lived, if it weren't for the crowd attending the party, it would have looked rather scary.

"Okay, you know the deal. Right?" Hyunjin asked her, once they stood by the front door.

"Don't accept drinks from strangers. Don't follow strangers anywhere private. If I need help find you or your friends." Yeji recited the words her brother had been preaching. "I'm not a child, Hyunjin."

Hyunjin smiled raising his hand and waiting for a fist bump. She reluctantly followed his lead, fist bumping him before taking a deep breath.

The moment they opened the door and walked inside, their surroundings immediately overwhelmed her senses. The bass of the music could be felt through her body, lights making her eyesight struggle to understand what she was seeing, her nose picking up the smell of cigarettes right away.

There weren't that many lights on inside, in fact, some of the very few that were on, were colored. Making it kind of difficult to tell people apart. Not that she knew most people there.

Hyunjin and Yeji spent some time together, laughing and taking photos to remember her first party. It was fun. She was enjoying her time so far.

"I'm going to find the boys, go ahead and socialize. Just meet friendly people." Hyunjin nudged her forwards, disappearing into the living room.

Yeji didn't really know what to do. She didn't know how to start a conversation or how to move. Sure, she knew how to dance. But this wasn't the same. Music was playing but people moved differently from when one would actually be dancing to a song with choreography.

She decided maybe getting her first drink would actually help her. At least she could hold a cup and keep her nervous hands busy. It would look less awkward that way. Hopefully.

Once she got to the kitchen, there were far too many choices. Now, that could have been a good thing but since she had zero experience with alcohol, Yeji was actually lost. Which one was the strongest? Which tasted the best? She had no idea what she was doing and so she stood there, staring at all the drinks.

Honestly, the idea of drinking alcohol was terrifying until now. You see, Yeji was 18 but 19 in korean age. Which means she's technically not legally allowed to drink yet. This might have been one of the reasons why she hadn't drank yet. The other was that the situation never arose.

"Do you need help?" Heejin offered, making her practically jump as she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings.

Yeji smiled nervously at the girl, nodding. "I don't know what it tastes like."

Heejin laughed but she could tell that there was no judgement in it. She was simply amused by it. Then, she grabbed a cup and filled it with something, offering it to her.

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