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Yeji woke up slightly disoriented, not recognizing where she was right away. It took her a few seconds to realize that she was still in Ryujin's bed, after having fallen asleep while the two spoke.

However, she didn't miss how the spot next to hers was empty. As it always seemed to be. Ryujin never was one to stick around in the morning.

Yeji got up, looking down at her outfit that was just some oversized t-shirt Ryujin had given her and shorts. Having ditched her own clothing after Ryujin complained she was still wet from the rain and would get sick if she were to sleep in that.

Moving to open the door, Yeji peaked from it, making sure Ryujin's father wasn't there.

With nobody in sight she finally made her way to the living room. Observing the details of it. It definitely wasn't big nor was there anything expensive in it. The television looking like it was at least a decade old, the couch as well. There were no photos displayed or decorations. Just a coffee table between the couch and the television. A few empty beer cans still discarded on the floor that Yeji moved to pick up and throw away.

The kitchen was small as well, and for the most part looked fairly unused. As if nobody cooked there in a long time. Maybe even ever. Opening the fridge, Yeji noted how it mostly contained alcohol. Causing her to frown at the sight and close it again.

Maybe she should just change back to her clothes and leave. There was no point in lingering there when Ryujin was never one to stick around in the morning.

Disappointment was written all over her expression as she started to walk towards the bedroom again, only stopping once she heard a key entering the front door.


Was it Mr. Shin?

Yeji froze in place. Simply accepting her faith as the front door opened and closed again behind her.

"Oh, good. You're awake." A familiar voice spoke from behind her. Causing Yeji to let out a breath of relief.

Ryujin seemed to notice the release of tension once Yeji knew it was her. Smiling and placing down the objects she had been carrying.

"Don't worry. My father won't be coming home for a few days. He won big time last I heard and he won't come back until he lost everything he has and what he does not have. We have time. Alone." Ryujin wiggled her eyebrows teasingly causing Yeji to chuckle.

"I thought you left me by myself again."

Ryujin was busy storing the groceries when she said those words, causing her to stop and look her way.

"Not a fan of waking up in an empty bed?"

Yeji shook her head.

The other girl looking far too amused by it though. Smiling and moving to hug Yeji and place a soft kiss on her cheek. "Sorry. I figured we could both use some food and I had to do some groceries."

"I'll think about forgiving you." Yeji responded, still frowning.

"I also got you coffee. Your favorite. With enough sugar for the whole town." Ryujin stated, moving to hold out a cup of coffee for Yeji.

It worked. Her frown turning into a wide smile as she started to drink the coffee Ryujin had gotten for her. The other girl smiling at the sight and the wordless forgiveness.

"When do you have to go back?"

Ryujin asked after having stored everything.

"Tomorrow. I have classes and I shouldn't be skipping." Yeji sent the other a look that said she meant her words. Looking serious and as intimidating as possible for a second.

"Why are you looking like you're accusing me of tempting you to skip? I haven't even said anything."

Yeji shrugged, "Weren't you going to?"

"Maybe." Ryujin admitted, laughing before moving again and starting to prepare the few ingredients she had left on the kitchen counter.

"Do you even know what you're doing?"

"I'll have you know i'm excellent at making pancakes, Hwang. It's also the only thing I can make but we digress."

Yeji could only chucked as she continued to observe a very focused Ryujin try her best at making the pancakes. Surprisingly, she managed to pull through. After a couple of curses and some accidental spilling of the flour. They even looked appetizing.

After eating together, Ryujin gave her a new change of clothing which luckily fit her just fine despite Yeji being taller. The sweatpants only doing so because Ryujin adores her oversized clothing.

"I need to be honest with you."

Yeji turned to look at Ryujin, curiosity rising before a loud noise came from the front door. Ryujin only looking at her, then back at the door before moving in it's direction.

"What are you doing here?" Ryujin said, loudly enough that she heard it from the living room. Not that the distance was big enough to muffle the sound. Yeji quietly observing as two men walked in before Ryujin could stop them or protest, the girl sighing before closing the front door again.

"Fuck, Shin, didn't know you had company." One of the men stated, eyeing her up and down. Something about it making her feel gross, immediately wanting to cover herself up.

The other one clicked his tongue, leaning against the kitchen counter and looking at Ryujin. Luckily the area was open so Yeji could see it all happening. Curiosity being satisfied as the events unfolded.

"Seems Mr Shin is racking up quite the debt. So unfortunate. You were really close, weren't you? How much did you have left? 5 million Won?" The man shrugged, moving to the fridge and taking out beers. Throwing one to his friend and another to Ryujin. Then eyeing Yeji and moving closer to her. Opening the bottle before handing it to her. A finger touching her jaw as he moved her face up in his direction. Yeji still frozen while sitting on the couch where she had been before.

The man looked in Ryujin's direction, seemingly looking for a reaction but finding nothing.

Ryujin looked uninterested. Her expression saying nothing about her emotions. The girl simply holding the beer and starting to drink it.

"You two came all the way here to tell me about my father's gambling? You must be extremely unoccupied. Or did you miss me?" Ryujin responded, finally moving and sitting on the edge of the couch's armrest.

The man who had touched Yeji spoke up this time. "There's a meeting tonight. Your presence is required." He eyed yeji then his gaze focused on Ryujin again. "And if you'd like my advice, attachments are discouraged."

Ryujin scoffed, waving her hand. "She's not one, idiots. Or none of you know what a fuck buddy is?" She spoke casually, chuckling afterwards. "It would do you two some good, you're far too uptight. Now please get out and next time text me the details, will you? This is the 21st century after all."

The man looked annoyed but nonetheless they excused themselves, saying the details would be given to Ryujin later on before they walked out.

Ryujin visibly relaxing as they did so. Back pressed against the door, taking a deep breath before she noticed Yeji's intense gaze.

Fuck buddies?

"I-" She started before frowning. "You don't want them to think you mean something to me, trust me. Those guys love to have what others want."

Her eyebrows shot up, watching as Ryujin made her way to where she sat. Grabbing the beer from her and placing it on the coffee table along with hers.

"So you want me?" Yeji let out, whispering while Ryujin moved closer to her.

Ryujin only responding with a kiss.

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