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Time passed by quickly and that was now Yeji's last day in her hometown. After an eventful summer filled with fun with her family and sneaking around with Ryujin, she was ready to bid goodbye and return to Seoul.

Occasionally, Yeji would hang out with Ryujin. Mostly in her room or Ryujin's clubhouse.

Sometimes this would include kissing and other actions that could have lead some to think there would be need for them to label what they had. Some other times however, they acted like all friends do. Simply enjoying their time together and laughing around.

In the end, Yeji thought a conversation was not necessary. She liked what they had. It was fun. When Ryujin wasn't showing up hurt and acting secretive.

She had just finished packing her things and would be leaving the morning after. Having already bid goodbye to Hyunjin and her mother who would already be at work by the time Yeji would be leaving.

But that was fine by her because Ryujin had volunteered to take her to the station like she had done previously.

In fact, what her family doesn't know was that Yeji had planned to spend the night with Ryujin.


Im outside. Two houses down


On my way

It felt stupid considering both of them were grown women but if Hyunjin found out about their friendship, and just how close they had grown, he would surely make it his mission to scold the both of them and break them apart.

As selfish as they were, they didn't want that.

Yeji tried her best to be quiet, nearly knocking over a few things while carrying her duffel bag. But she managed. Making sure to close the door behind her careful and immediately running towards Ryujin's car.

Tonight was special and not because she would be spending it with Ryujin.

But because she would be spending it in her room. Not the clubhouse or some other location.

Ryujin was taking Yeji into her apartment.

The elevator to the apartment was old, the light inside flickering a couple of times but Yeji didn't mind it.

So what if Ryujin wasn't rich? It didn't really matter to her.

She still would be her friend even if Ryujin's living situation wasn't the best.

"Wait here." Ryujin said, before opening the door and walking inside. Leaving Yeji at the door. She took that time to inspect her surroundings. Noticing just how old it all looked. The older girl coming out a couple of minutes later and pulling Yeji inside.

"My father isn't going to be home for the next couple days but I had to make sure beforehand. Anyway, it isn't much but mi casa es tu casa."

"Spanish?" Yeji chuckled, raising a questioning eyebrow at the other.

Ryujin shrugging while picking up some empty beer bottles and throwing them in the trash can. "I took Spanish in school."

Yeji was rather impressed. The only other language she did decently at was English.

"So, there's a few rules. Do not go in my dad's bedroom or else I won't hear the end of it. And don't judge my bedroom." Ryujin chuckled at the end, finally opening her bedroom so Yeji could walk inside.

It actually wasn't anything to be judged. It was very simple and tidy but Yeji suspected that Ryujin might have done some cleaning recently judging by how immaculate it all was. The only possibly embarrassing things were her childhood photos and memories. Such as some sport medals and photos of when she was a little kid. Surprisingly, there weren't many of her after around 5 or 6 and before becoming a teenager, Yeji noted.

"You were a cute kid."

"Was?" Ryujin feigned offense before throwing herself into her bed. Smiling widely at Yeji.

"Is that you and my brother?" Yeji noticed, grabbing a photo of what looks to be a maybe thirteen or fourteen years old Hyunjin with his best friend.

Ryujin nodded, "First we ever took together."

Putting down the photo, Yeji continued to explore the other's bedroom. Noticing the amount of medals for things such as football, track and even baseball.

"My golden days, you could say. I was told i'd be a star by many." Ryujin chuckled again. "I think they'd be disappointed to see how I turned out."

Yeji knew the other was passing it off as a joke but it sounded sad to her. That Ryujin had always had so much potential but none of it had been realized.

"Are you done, Dora?"

The taller girl approached the other, slapping her shoulder for the nickname and laying on the bed beside her.

As their laughter came and went, they found themselves laying in silence. Yeji's stare focused on the ceiling.

"Would you tell me if you were ever in serious trouble?"

"Yeji..." Ryujin clearly didn't want to talk about that yet again but it was something constantly on her mind. She couldn't help but worry and try to make sense of it all.

"Ryujin, I'm serious. I want you to tell me if you're ever in trouble."

"Yeji, I'm in trouble."

Yeji raised her eyebrows only to be met with a mischievous smile from Ryujin who was now leaning on top of her. "The trouble is I have this very beautiful girl in my room but she's bothering me about nonsense that doesn't matter. Not when she's here with me."

Rolling her eyes didn't express the annoyance she felt but it was charming and Yeji was only human. "You're such a player, Shin Ryujin." Yeji pushed her shoulder slightly, but Ryujin didn't move at all, only smirking in return.

"Tell you what, if i'm ever fearing for my life you'll be the first to know. Is that good enough?"

Yeji smiled, nodding. "For now. I'll take it."

"Good." Ryujin said, placing a kiss on Yeji's nose and earning a laugh from her.

They spent the next few hours speaking about trivial things. Discovering their shared love for literature, music and even art. Ryujin had never told her but she had a love for photography. She could play the guitar apparently, though Yeji wanted proof of that. And she loved to read but mostly read comics according to her.

Contrary to what could be expected, nothing happened between them that night. No kissing or anything else.

Although Yeji and Ryujin woke up the next morning cuddling. But she would blame sleep for that.

The ride to the station went without issues with music playing while the both of them quietly enjoyed the company. Ryujin holding her hand until they sat and waited for her train.

It didn't take long for it to arrive and maybe part of her had wanted it to. She wouldn't have complained about having had more time. But Yeji didn't show her disappointment. Instead, she smiled at the other girl. Ryujin smiling right back at her.

And just like she had the previous time, Ryujin kissed her as they said goodbye. Yeji leaving without any words exchanged afterwards.

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