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Haechan: Jaem! I really want to ask you something

Jaemin: What is it, baby?

Haechan: You aren't lying when you said that you aren't a human but a vampire right?!

Jaemin: What do y-you mean?

Haechan: You are a vampire?! Do you drink human blood?!

Jaemin: Yeah? I thought you believed you, I wasn't lying. I can show you some of my ability though

Haechan: like?

Jaemin: I can read my partner's mind and one thing that I like is I can teleport

Haechan: You can do what?! Teleport?! You must be kidding me right now! There's no way that's true. It's not funny though Jaemin

Jaemin: Your thoughts are so funny "What if he drinks my blood?! What should I do?"

Haechan: You aren't lying!

Jaemin smiles and shakes his head softly then teleport to the left side of Donghyuck and makes the older flinch in fear. T

he idol grabs the garlic on the counter and holds them close to his chest

Jaemin: What are you doing?

Haechan: They s-said that vampires are scared of Garlic! So don't come any closer! I-i won't let you drink my blood, it's too precious

Jaemin couldn't help but chuckle at Donghyuck's acting, he walks closer to the boy and grabs the garlic from Donghyuck's hands then places them on the table, 

placing both of his hands on the counter, trapping the smaller boy in between his arms.

Jaemin: Well that's in the movie, I love garlic though

Haechan: Jaem, I'm serious though! Don't get any closer! I'm scared for real!

Jaemin: Cute, I don't drink human blood directly, We vampires bought them and we have to drink it once a week only. But some vampires drink once a month because they are willing to sleep with people. Vampires are knowns for their sexual attraction which I guess it's kinda true

Haechan: Oh, so does that mean if you sleep with someone once a week you won't have to drink blood every week but drink once a month?

Jaemin: Once every two week

Haechan: O-oh, you won't kill me right?

Jaemin: no

Haechan: That's a relief! Wai but does that mean you did sleep with people to not drink as much blood as you should?!

Jaemin: No, I take blood every week until we kinda you know did it

Haechan: O-oh. . But you aren't scared of garlic for real?

Jaemin: I like eating it though

Haechan: The media are so fake, why would vampires be scared of garlic? Wait, you are okay with sunlight too?!

Jaemin: Yup! They are like humans but not

Haechan: Oh, I see


Later on that afternoon, it's rain again. Guessing that the flower and plants need to grow more, both Donghyuck and Jaemin sitting in the living room and stare out of the window, watching the rain

Jaemin: I really hate raining

Haechan: really? That's so bad, I love the rainy season. Do you want to know what I want to do right now?

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