"bring the memories of him back"

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Billy's POV--17/07/91--Age:16

Joey had just died.

I was trying to hold him one last time, but one of Luis' men were rushing us all away. I was numb. No feelings other than grief covering me, thankfully we were being rushed to our dorms so i could at least ignore all the others without being looked at by others. My bestest friend, gone in a click of a finger if not faster.. Later on after i was finished ignoring everyone i looked around at Joey's book while everyone crowded around to see as well. Only a few seconds later i couldn't hold back tears so i walked to the corner me and Joey slept in and i slowly dropped leaning against the wall for support crying. All my memories with him flooding me, the good onde, the bad one and the stupid ones where we both didn't even know what or why we did them..

Billy's POV--24/07/21--Age:16

Today was going to be Joey's funeral.

Joey's dad asked The Dean about his friends and asked to see me, Ricardo, Hank, Snuffy and Yogurt. He came to ask us to go to his funeral, at first i didn't know because of the absolute shit i had heard  of Joey's dad, but then he said about how he would have wanted us to be there and how it would only be a little service.

We all said yes.

I was alone in my dorm still because the dean knew i wasn't ready to share Joey's side of the room yet. Before the guys got to our room i went over to Joey's side of it and looked around the top of his draws, a tear dropping at the sight on his bracelets, i slid one on my wrist then wiping away the few tears when i heard a knock on the door.

All the guys were making sure i was okay as we went to the front of the school where we were getting picked up by one of Albert's drivers. I saw the dean stood at the gates waiting for us, Hank and Yogurt were walking with Ted and then there was Snuffy and Ricardo. I walked alone behind them playing with Joey's bracelets on my wrist. The dean turned around and looked at me in the eyes and as i walked up to him everything became blurry,i blinked and realised i was crying and the dean walked up to me. He gave me a hug that seemed like forever and i wish it was. I would be lying if i said going to Joey's funeral wouldn't be scary for me, i've never lost someone like Joey.

We arrived at the funeral alter and i saw all of what i was assuming was Joey's family, his little sister, his mom and grandparents. Soon we were all lead to where he would be buried and we all stood around the ground he was placed in. There was a basket of roses which i internally snickered at because i knew how Joey felt about roses, he thoght they were basic and a the memory of him telling me that was from when we were sat under a cherry blossom tree and for some reason we brought up the flowers we liked and disliked. While everyone was talking about their memories with little Joey nothing hit me as bad as when i turned to see Joey's little sister,Holly, not crying and no emotion on her face.. She was so young she didn't realise that he was gone. Gone forever. 

While everyone was leaving i stayed back to talk to Joey a little while longer, it was about 20 minutes after everyone had left when Albert (Joey's dad) patted me on my shoulder and i realised he wanted to talk ,so i stood.

"Hello sir." I said nervously still not wanting to cry as i was still thinking about Joey.

"Call me Albert, I'm to understand you were essentially Joey's right hand man?"-he said not letting me answer-"Well, I know my son cared for you dearly and i wanted to see if you wanted this?" He held out the box and i opened it to see it was Joey's cross earring he was wearing the day he was killed. I didn't care that i was infront of a mafia leader a(from what i had heard off Joey) heartless man, my eyes started to pool and tears streamed down my cheeks. An arm wrapped around me and i saw it was Albert's.

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