First Dance

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A/n: i decided this is Ted and Yogurt's first dance song, it is very them. This will also be the last chapter of the wedding, hopefully i don't write too much and make it seven different chapters like i already have-

Joey's POV--23/08/99

I was proud of what i had done for my two friends, now that they were happily married i already knew they were going to settle down and have a kid as well, i saw the way they look at mine and Billy's little Robin. After sitting around drinking and talking to people around the room i made my way to the DJ and asked for them to put on a song for Yogurt and Ted's first dance, they always said they didn't mind what song it was as long as they were dancing together, i found that cute. I would definitely have November Rain by Guns N Roses but i know that's not their vibe so i put on With You by a singer named Tyler Shaw.
The DJ put it on and called out their names for their dance and the dance floor cleared as they both walked hand in hand together, smiling at each other.

The song started-

Yogurt's POV-23/08/99
We were in the middle of the dance floor and my heart was beating a million times as if it was the first time i even confessed my love to Ted, which was also a beautiful night for us both. When the song started i looked at my sunflower and took the lead by placing my arms on his waist and he reached to wrap his arms around my neck. We were both smiling at each other listening to the lyrics of the song and i was happy with the song choice, Joey really did know us well.

"I know this sounds crazy

But this could be fate

And I'm thinking maybe

That you feel it too

Tell me are you busy?

And tell me you can stay

'Cause I'm thinking maybe

For you, I would travel to outer space

Take a bullet to the heart just to keep you safe

For you, anything for you

With you, all the years just fade away

Like a dream in my arms, but I'm wide awake

With you, whenever I'm with you"

It was coming near to the end of the song and the whole dance was magical, Ted had his face on buried in my shoulder. I felt him smile and i smiled at him smiling then he put his chin on my shoulder and whispered in my ear,
"I love you and i will never stop loving you"

"I love you too, Teddy" the song ended and we pulled away only slightly and i kissed him, Joey clapped and knowing him he was probably crying. For about half an hour there was dance music on and Joey was dancing like a goof with Snuffy and Hank.

I sat down for a bit with Billy and we were talking for a while.

"Hey, so uh, i know you didn't propose to Ted but surely you did want to marry him before and you might have thought about proposing," he said nervously.

"Of course i had thought about it, but i guess i was too nervous thank goodness he did it-"i laughed"-but yeah i thought about it,why?"

"Well i don't know i feel like i want this with Joey," Billy gazed looking at an incredibly drunk Joey who was on the floor rolling about,god knows why, it's Joey.
"You should propose we all know you guys are perfect for each other and you will both be so happy," i smiled at him, then another slow song came on, it was Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

Billy POV--23/08/99

Another slow song came on and i saw Joey scatter back up to his feet then he wobbled over to me. He put out his hand and i laughed at him trying to look seductive.
"You can't seriously think i can dance?" I said in a questioning voice.

"Well come on and i can teach you!" He said excitedly.

"Whose gonna look after Ro-" He pointed to Hank who was talking with Robin,"Fine.." he giggled and pulled me to the dance floor. He placed my hand on his shoulder and he placed one of his hands on my waist. His had a cute, little Joey grin on his face and i laughed then looked at the floor.

"Oh my god, did i make you blush?!" He asked as we were dancing to the music, he did make me blush but i calmed myself down because i didn't want him to know how much i liked it when he took control of things.

"No, nobody makes Billy Tepper blush," i looked up and chuckled.

"Well i think you should because i think it's cute that you think i haven't seen you blush" and to my surprise after that line he spun me and i nearly fell flat on my face and he just laughed and caught me before i did.

"You're such a douche Joey Trotta"

"Oh shush i know you love me!" He said then he kissed my forehead,"I love you"

"I love you too,babe," i said back burying my head in his chest and smiling.

Snuffy's POV--23/08/99

Perfect came on and Ricardo came over to me and asked if i wanted to dance, i don't really slow dance but i would for him. I do realise I'm annoying and shit but i will do anything to make this man happy.

"So how much wine have you had tonight muscle man?" I said jokingly to him.

"I have only had 4, you know i'm back to my training in a few days-" he said to me,
"Well i know that, you need to get even more muscley for that swimming competition you keep talking so much about!" I said with a grin on my face.

"Oh come on, you know what happens when i get stressed with my swimming,that's the only reason you listen to me talk about it when it comes up" he said rolling his eyes knowing exactly what i was thinking of, if you get my drift.
I winked in a joking way and we both laughed at my cheesy gesture.

Hank's POV--23/08/99

Okay i get that i'm single and i have sinned with many Jennifers but come on how did i end up at someone else's wedding, drunk and dancing with someone else's little girl on my feet?

Nobody's POV--23/08/99

Everyone was dancing. Billy was trying to make out with Joey while he could since Robin was with Hank. Hank had Robin on his feet and they were dancing with their hands linked and arms out,kind of like two dancing stars.

Ricardo and Snuffy were happy dancing together talking about their future together about how they wanted a kid, but a boy instead of a girl,they thought girls were too hard to handle.

The newly wedded ,Ted and Derek, stood back in each others arms, admiring the little family they had already got. They were both just happy they got to marry the love of their lives and have the people they loved there with them.

It was a magical night for everyone really.
It was the night Billy decided he was going to buy Joey a ring to propose to him with.
The night Snuffy and Ricardo decided they were going to adopt.
The night Ted and Derek realised how much they loved not only each other but also their crazy friends.

And of course it was the night Hank realised, he REALLY needed a girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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