Proposals & Weddings pt.3

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Joey's POV--23/08/99

The doors to the alter were opened, it wasn't too big because Ted and Yogurt didn't want anything too big. Mine and Yogurt's arms were linked and i was also holding Robin's hand so she didn't stop in the middle of the isle randomly, I turned to Yogurt and whispered,'you okay?', he nodded in response. 

Ted's POV--23/08/99

When i saw Derek my heart nearly skipped a beat, at first i was astonished by the fact he knew how to tie a tie. But then i admired how gorgeous he looked, his hair was perfect and i noticed a little daisy in there. I smiled thinking of one of the times we made daisy chains together when we were 7, it was the day he asked me to be his friend and it was the best decision i ever made since it lead us to wherewe are now. His eyes fored tears which made me shed a tear.                        I could feel my palms start to sweat and i get visibly nervous and Billy put his hand on my shoulder causing me calm down right away. When Derek,Joey and Robin mad it to us Joey spoke, "Don't you hurt our Yogurt-" in a joking voice and faked a threatening look making us laugh. Joey and Robin stood behind  Derek, i took his hands in mine and kissedthem then brung them back down, still holding them. He gave me a toothy smile and his nose scrunched up.

The vicar had spoke all of the wedding lines that are said at every wedding but was also inturrupted by a little voice,

"Daddy my feet hurt," Robin tugged on joeys blazer sleeve gently. "Princess sh, uncle Yogurt and Uncle Ted are trying to something important-" Joey said quietly flashing an apologetic look while he picked up Robin. We giggled at them showing Joey it wasn't a big deal then the vicar came to the part where he is meant to say 'you may kiss the bride' but instead said "You may kiss the groom" which made Derek's face light up with joy. We both leant in and i put my hand on the back of his neck and stood on my toes to feel a bit taller then kissed his lips softly, both of us smiling in the process. We parted and i rested my forehead on his.                                            "You're mine forever Honey," i whispered, then i felt someone hug my leg sloth stye i looked down to see Robin slung around my leg and we all laughed. Seeing her like this made me want a little girl of my own with my now husband Derek. 

Ricardo POV--23/08/99 

The ceremony was beautiful, i once again wondered what it would be like if me and Snuffy got married, i giggled a bit at the thought. During the ceremony i did like when Snuffy was leaning on my shoulder and holding my hand. After though we all went to the wedding party for drinks and speeches. I can't wait to hear what kind of crap Snuffy had thought of to say.Joey really had gone all out planning this, there was a limo to pick up me,Hank ,Billy, Yogurt, Ted, him and Snuffy where it brought us to a gazebo on the dandelion field. Family members and other friends of Ted and Yogurt just followed behind the limo.

When we left the limo it was dark out which was surprising since i was the middle of summer but none of us were complaining when we saw all the trees with gold LED lights wrapped around the trunks of them and the white gazebo decorated with ivy for Ted (he liked nature stuff) and little bee prints for Yogurt, i assumed that was a them thing. I glanced over and saw the married couple walk in with smiles on their faces and i smiled with them as i walked in with a Snuffy wrapping his arms around my arm. We walked in and it was just as enchanting as the outside, the tables were covered with a nice pale yellow coloured table cloths and had little pink crystals sccattered neatly on the tables. Joey definitley knew what he was doing and im surprised he didn't go into the wedding planing business after this. When me and Snuffy get married i definitley know who i'm asking for help from.

Yogurt POV--23/08/99

Everything was perfect: the scenery, the people who were here and my sunshine. This really was the happiest day of my life. We were all settled down around tables then a very excited Joey stood on his chair trying to get peoples attention clearly, he really didn't need the chair he was tall enough. He clanked a knife on his champagne glass in a stereotypical announcement way.

"Whoops!" he called out accidently smashing the glass after hitting it a bit too hard, i laughed at him then he continued on, "Well i would like to start off a toast for the two newly married men-I can't express how happy i am that i met this little person in Regis-"he pointed at me"- If it weren't for these two right here i wouldn't have confessed my love to Billy and i don't want to imagine my life withut him, so thank you both for giving me the confidence to chase my love like you two did!" He held what was left  of his glass and held it in the air, "To a life of happiness for Ted and Derek!" he hollered so anyone ten miles away could hear him. We all drank to that.

"Now then is there anything Groom number 1 would like to say" Billy said jokingly.

"There is indeed Billy," Teddy stood and turned to me. "Derek,  i have never loved ANYONE as much as i love you, i love everything about you. I love taking care of you when you've had a bad day at work and still manage to bring flowers home for me. I love it when you get excited over stars in the sky and when you just sit on that fallen tree right outside of this gazebo and the moon light hits your face perfectly. I promise to love from this nights after this one," He said all of that then i started crying, happy tears of course i was in disbelieve that somene could ever love me like he did. He sat next to me and wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead and i giggled at him being so sweet.

Then suddenly the table shook as Snuffy hopped on it, he was probably already drunk. He shouted, "CHEERS TO THOSE LITTLE CHEESE BALLS GETTING MARRIED!" The room burst out into laughter holding their glasses up while ther was just a Ricardo in his seat cringing at his boyfriends energetic splur ,shaking his head but still holding his glass of red wine up and shouting 'Cheers' with everyone else.

I smiled to myself while everyone was doing their own thing around the gazebo then the DJ called out mine and Ted's name for our first dance.

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