Chapter 19- Trap.

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As you exited the doors of the inn, a young postman approached you.
"Miss Ange! I finally found you! A letter!" The little boy squeaked.

"Oh, thank you." You took the letter the young boy handed to you.

It had an official stamp of the tsaritsa on it, but the handwriting was different of her highness's. It must be another mission of some sort.
You tucked the letter away, thinking none more of it. You decided to head to get breakfast at the WanMin restaurant. You would read it then.

You sat yourself at the same table you would usually seat yourself at. You already knew what you were going to order.
"Hello! May I take your or- Ange!" You heard a familiar voice yelp.
You felt a pair of arms envelop you, "Xiangling, good to see you again." You giggled.

"You're back! I was waiting for you, but you never came by." Xiangling pouted.

You slowly pried yourself out of her arms, "I'm sorry, I got wrapped up in a few things." You smiled.

"Oh! That's okay! Anyways, the usual?" She perked up, holding her notepad in her hand ready to write.

"You bet!" You exclaimed.

She giggled before running off into the kitchen.
You pulled out the letter and tore it open. You took out the paper inside and unfolded it. The handwriting was definitely different, but it didn't worry you. It was probably her lady in waiting writing it for her. You read...


How are you feeling? Good I hope.
I hate to throw you back into action, but I know you can handle it. You're my favorite for a reason.

"Favorite for a reason? She's never said that." You said confused.

You continued to read the letter.

I need further information about the ruin guards in Guyun Stone Forest. Simple task, I know you can handle it.

~ Her Highness.

"Ruin Guards? Why are they important?" You reread the letter, complexed.
For all you knew, her highness couldn't care less about those ancient things. But, what she says goes. What she desires, she will get.

You were driven out of thought by a plate of food placed in front of you.
"Enjoy!" Xiangling beamed.

You thanked her before digging in. You were starving. The plate was bare in a matter of minutes. You took the plate to the front counter and paid for your meal, bidding Xiangling goodbye once more.

"Another job?" She whined.

"Yes, Xiangling. Listen, I'm sorry! I would love to stay here longer but boss needs it done ASAP!" You urged, hoping she'd buy the lie.

She did. She's quite gullible.

"Awww fine then! But come back soon, and write to me!" She demanded, placing her hands on her hips.

You smiled, "Sure thing. Take care, Xiangling." You waved as you walked away.

You needed to go gather your belongings from the funeral parlor. The whole Childe ordeal will have to wait.

~Time skip~

You opened the door to the parlor. It appeared no one was there.

You shrugged before heading up the stairs to the guest bedroom. You scooped up the remainders of things you left behind and packed them away. You remade the bed and tidied up. You checked over the room one more time before exiting. You hurried back down the stairs.

"In a hurry?" You heard a voice call out.

"Oh! Hey Zhongli! Yes, I'm back on the job." You smiled.

"I heard from Hu Tao that the medication worked. Glad to see you in high spirits once more." He patted your head.

"Thank you for helping me, Zhongli. Please tell Hu Tao is said thanks as well." You bowed.

"What's that in your hand?" Zhongli asked, pointing to the paper you were holding.

"Oh right, can you toss this for me?" You held the letter out.

Zhongli gently grabbed the folded paper, "Why of course. From the tsaritsa?" He observed the paper.

You nodded, "Yes. But I found it quite peculiar how the handwriting is."

He hummed, "I am sure it's nothing. I'll be sure to rid of this for you."

You smiled, thanking him once more before rushing out the door.
Zhongli had arranged yet another meeting with Childe. After he got the information out of Childe that he needed while you were with Hu Tao, he finally understood the entire situation.

Childe sat across the table, arms crossed against his chest.

"Childe, read this." Zhongli said as he tossed the letter you held earlier towards Childe.

Childe grabbed the paper and glanced back up at Zhongli with a confused look on his face. The ginger haired boy began to read the letter, his eyes widening in horror.

"So you noticed it too?" Zhongli cocked an eyebrow.

Childe's stomach dropped, "This isn't from her highness, Zhongli. This isn't her handwriting, or her diction."

Zhongli tapped his fingers against the table, "Then who?"

Childe observed the writing once more, trying to depict whose writing it was. It finally came to him.
He slammed his fist down on the table, "That bastard!"

Zhongli flinched, "Childe, who?"

"He's going to kill her. She's walking into a trap, Zhongli." Childe said with anger edging his voice.

"You mean that this is his handwriting?" Zhongli stared at the panicked ginger with wide eyes.

"Yes. Zhongli, how long ago did she leave?" Childe asked.

"About four hours ago." Zhongli answered.

"And you didn't think to get me sooner?!" Childe yelled as he ripped up the paper.

Zhongli didn't say anything.

"Forget it. What's the fastest way there?" Childe demanded an answer from the amber eyed man.

"The teleport waypoint." Zhongli chuckled.

"Wow. Thanks genius." Childe gave a half hearted laugh as he stood up from the chair.

"Go make this right, and don't mess it up." Zhongli said before waving Childe off. 

Childe dismissed himself from the room and hurried out the door. 

Zhongli watched as Childe's figure slowly disappeared into the distance. At that point, he could only pray.

Please protect her, Childe.
Chapter 19- End.

I hope this isn't written too poorly! I'm actually quite tired from today, so I'll continue writing tomorrow. I apologize if there are some mistakes in this chapter.

Please make sure you have eaten and are hydrated. And if it night time for you, make sure you get enough sleep <3

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