Chapter 37- Safe.

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"Here, let me wrap your wound." Childe offered, bandages in hand.

Blood started pouring out the wound that once held the polearm.

"Why would you take the polearm out of my shoulder?" You asked, wincing in pain.

He shrugged, "Well, it's either a 5 foot spear sticking out of your body or not." He giggled.

You attempted to steady your breathing under the touch of Childe. Your heart was pounding, not from the pain, but just from being near him.

"Why didn't you stay like I told you?" He sighed, finishing off the wrapping.

"Why did you lie to me?"


"I didn't want to lie to you, but if I told you the truth... I didn't know what would happen. I didn't want to hurt you." He sighed, kissing your forehead.

An irk mark appeared on your forehead, "Hurt me? All I have being doing is getting hurt." You scoffed, gazing into Childe's ocean blue orbs.

You didn't notice the injuries that lie on his face. You shakily reached a hand up and placed your palm on his cheek, "What happened, Ajax? Why are you hurt?"

"Let's just say my little plan backfired," he leaned into your hand, "But I'll explain later, for now, we need to get out of here."

You weakly nodded, "B-But then, what is this?" You held out his mask.

His eyes dimmed, "I was looking for this, girlie."

You still didn't get the answer you wanted.

Childe didn't waste a moment before hoisting you up in his arms.

"I can run just fine!" You pouted.

He shook his head, giving you a cheery grin, "No can do, little lady. We can't have you getting hurt again, can we?"

You rolled your eyes as he whisked you away. He was a very fast runner. You closed your eyes and clutched onto him tighter. You could hear thunder outside.
Just what you wanted the least.

Twisting and turning, hallway to hallway, you couldn't keep track of where you were. Childe seemed to know the palace better than you did.
You heard a door open, shut, and lock. He threw you onto something soft, forcing your eyes open.

"Childe? What are we doing now? And in my room?" You eyed the pacing ginger.

"Y/N." He crawled up onto the bed.

"Childe, not now!" You trying to push yourself back; but the wall prevented you from backing up further.

"Girlie, hold still." He ordered as he pressed his lips against yours, pulling you into yet another passionate kiss that you couldn't resist.

You melted under his touch, failing to realize as he slipped a ring over your finger.

As he pulled out of the kiss, you reached your hands up, pulling him back onto you.

"Gi-rlie," he panted between breaths.

You refused to let go, you wanted him so bad right now.

He forced himself off of you, pinning you down.

"As much as I'd like to continue, my love, we have an escape plan to carry out." He smirked, "But..."

He trailed his fingers up and down your neck, inching his face closer to yours.

"On second thought, perhaps we have a little more time." He breathed.

Your breath hitched as he lowered his head towards you.

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