Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sunlight streaming in through the windows. When I checked the time I realized that I had woken up 15 mins before my alarm. I swiftly got out of bed and decided to take a shower, then wake up,Lauren. I grabbed my clothes for the day and headed into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and stepped into the shower and let the hot water cascade over my body. I took my time making sure to shave my legs. I stepped out into the steam filled bathroom and grabbed a white fluffy towel and dried myself up and just went back to my room because I decided to reconsider my outfit.

As soon as I opened the bathroom door and got into my room I went over to Lauren and I decided to scream in her ear to get her to wake up "ahhhhh" i screamed, she immediately shot up and started to groan "what was that for" I tilted my head back in laughter and Lauren soon joined. "You should go take a shower otherwise we are going to be late for school" I said "okay... Wait.. Shit I don't have any of my stuff here.." She said "well you can go take a shower.. I have a spare toothbrush in the bathroom drawer and u can wear my clothes" I replied as it was obvious. She replied with a quick "okay" and went straight for the bathroom.

As for me I decided to get dressed. I wore a white cropped tank top, with black jeggings with slits in it along with a mint green backpack from pink and a mint green beanie and my gold watch along with a cross necklace and my white nike airs. For makeup I kept it simple and applied winged eyeliner and a pink lipstick, I quickly painted my nails mint green putting the fast dry top coat and changed my phone case into a black Kate spade one.
*****(The link to the outfit -- set?.embedder=13640181&.src=share_html&.svc=twitter&id=151454663 *** or go on my page ** go to this link and it's the "eves outfit for school" set ))******
Just as I finished Lauren walked out of the bathroom. "Hey sexy" I said, she didn't reply to that but she said "are you trying to be extra hot and chilled for Harry, eve" maybe... what he really hot but honestly I don't like him... he is really rude and is known as "the bad boy" in school along with his 4 best mates. "No" I replied "just saying if you were, you don't have to, ur super hot already... No homo" she added quickly.

"All right , all right.. feel free to wear/use any of my stuff and ill be downstairs eating breakfast if you need anything" I said just so that we could stop talking about Harry.. I really don't think that I like him and I don't want him
At school
I walked into English and saw that mr.scartano has made a new seating chart. I of course was all the way back in the corner with harry right next to me. If he talks to me I'm just gonna ignore him.... yea that's what I'm going to do. Class has begun and harry still didn't come. After like 5 mins he finally walked in late. "Ah mr.styles .... late as always, i have made a new seating chart and you are seated next to ms. Eve Hunter. A light smirk played on his lips and he made eye contact with me and started to walk over to my... his seat.
He was quiet for a few mins, although occasionally I would see him looking at me from the corner of my eye. A few moments later he completely turned in his seat to face me and stuck out his hand and said "harry styles age 18, and you are... I'm sorry all that I know is that you live across from me and That you bumped into me one day" he said adding a smirk at the end. I had no idea what to do but I finally decided to introduce myself so I took his hand shook it and said "it's ok and as you know I'm Eve Hunter and I'm 18 also" I responded. "So Eve how come this is your first year in THIS highshcool?"
"I used to live in New York but my dad got a job transfer so I had to complete my last year of highshcool here" I finished off with the best smile I could muster. "Oh. that's cool" he stated adding "do you like it here" he certainly isn't being rude now. "Um.....i haven't been around but yea I guess" he looked like he was thinking for a little while. He spoke again "I could take you around to show you some places sometime" did he actually like say that? "Uh.... it's ok I think I'm good... besides I can go with Lauren" his smile faded but he spoke again "can you at least consider it... can you at least like sit with at lunch so we can get to know each other better" i feel like I can't reject him but I know that I should " not sure harry" he continued "I know that I have that "bad boy" reputation and all but I've never met a girl who hasn't jumped at the chance of me just talking to them" his eyes full of hope as he continues "I'm not saying that I like you in that way or whatever or that we should date.... I just want to get to know you.... pleasee" oh my god "I don't think that we should date either but I'll ask Lauren about it and tell you" hope she says no "ok thanks babe" I'm going to kill this kid. yea he is hot ... but I don't know anything about him therefor I don't like him like that "don't call me babe" the smirk re appears on his face of course "sure babe" he says with the biggest grin on his face... he is clearly trying to annoy me. Just then the bell rang and I shot up from my seat and rushed out the door to find Lauren. In the middle of the hallway his voice rang through my ears "don't forget Eve" ughh everyone is looking at us "I wont" I shouted back just so that he would stop following me.
Hey guys! We are really sorry that we weren't able to update the past 2 weeks we were both a little busy. Also We KNOW that harry hasn't really made a BIG appearance in the book yet but that's because we want you to know about Eve and we want you guys to get to know her. I promise the romance and the relationship will start to build from here.

For any of you having difficulty with the polyvore such as the link not leading to the outfit, you guys can go on my page (I'll include the link below). Each chapter, I'll include the name of that certain set so you guys can go on my page a find the set by matching the title that I'll include with every outfit. Or you can just use the link to the OUTFIT to see it. So there's always going to be two options of links both leading to the same outfit 😄😄👍👍 if you have any questions just comment.
Link to my polyvore page to access all of eves outfits that I've made

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