🧡The begining🧡

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At the time the world where things were feeling less and less certain, there was one thing you could always count on... the Heroics.

Our planet's team of superheroes

And our heroes... never failed

"Sorry I'm late"

"I had to put the ISR synthetic aperture together."

"Let's just hope it's more than just downed satellite.. so the whole team can sprint into action."

"Let's not"

"Be careful with that thing"

"When am I not careful"

"All the time"

"Hey, Tech-No"

"What up"

"The solar array,it's blown down to bits."


"There's something coming a spaceship of some kind."

"It just blasted some kind of energy ray at me."

"Do these clowns not know who I am?"

"I don't mean to be a nudge, but any idea how long this"ll take?"

"I'm running on fumes."

Just a quick selfie for my social while I stop this thing...wait a minute.. There's not one ship... There's a whole armada out there."

"Funny,if I didn't know better,I'd say you sound a little worried"

"Miracle Guy"

"H-Base! Come on, this is Tech-No!

"Miracle Guy's been hit!!"

"Hit with what?"

"He's barely conscious!"

"Miracle Guy is barely conscious?"

"Have a catcher ready!"

"I'm out!"

This was the day our heroes fell

All of them.

But from that....other could rise.

It's funny how when you look back an a day like this,it always begins so normal.

I mean look at me.

I'm actually getting ready for school

After I was done I went down to say good bye to day before leaving

"Hi dad" I said as soon as I got down there

"Hi yoni ready for school?"

"Hell no" I said

"Hahah" he laughed like shii was funny

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