💙 escaping 💙

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"What's the plan?"

"Well" she started

"I figured this is kinda of like making an omelet."

"You always start by"

"Breaking some eggs" I finished

"Hey, is that up dog" noddles said

"Whatever up dog?"

"Not much. Just living my best life over here."

"Not like I'm totally up to no good or anything"

"So don't ask us how we know this, but aliens are about to attack, and we're no longer safe here."

"This place is a fortress. Nothing's getting in."

"And I'm afraid no one's getting out, either."

"Those are the rules"

"Oof! Then we're definitely getting  out of here, and so we're gonna need your access cards."

"Like,now." I said being ✨extra ✨

"And you think we'll just hand these to you?"

"No, but it would have made this a while lot easier." I said


"What are these for?"

"Tell him, Guppy."

"To protect your butts when you hit the ground" she said

"Purr" I said hyping the little girl up

"Why don't you get back in line?"

"Oh, no"

"She's got shark strength!"

"Have a nice nap."

"Aliens really are about to attack, so  we'll have to leave your expert care until you and Miss Granada know what we know"

"This was a bad idea"

"Wheels, next tune this happens, don't let the guards reach the alarm." Missy says

"Noodles, you'll take his jacket and cuff them." I said

"What next time?"

"You kids aren't"

"Told you your plan wouldn't work!"

"Boy shut up" I said


"Rewind, babe send us back" I said

"So we will have to leave your expert care until you and Miss Granda know what we know"


"C'mon, let's go!" I said

"Single file line! Like a fire drill."

"We"ll be questioned less."

"Let's go!"

"Beginners luck."

"Noodles, stretch and make yourself tall!"


"Hols on one second. Hey!"

"I... I'm so sorry!"

"Seal the doors!"

"We're in trouble."

"That was our only exit!"

"Not our only one!" I said pointing up

"How are we supposed to get up there?

"A Capella? You made furniture float. Can you do the same with people?" I asked

"To go up high, I have to sing very..."

"Climb as fast as you can!"

"Noodles, open up the hatch!"

"Don't let them follow us!"

"Noodles, the access cards!"

"We, did it"

"Yeah, we did it."

"But the train will not take us to just outside the force force field, then they'll catch us for sure."

"Look! They're already mobilizing!"

"Brace yourselves!"

"You too, Guppy.

"A Capella, make us fly."


"She can't steer"

"We"ll crash into that building!"

"We need to change directions!" I said

"I'm on it!"

"Help him out!"

"Back to base." Granada starred


"We need to give that train" she finished

Im sorry y'all my wifi was tripping so I couldn't do anything not even do homework this week so I'm sorry ima started post more

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