💚The end of superheros💚

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You know this is an Heroic smack down event when they're called in Sharkboy!!


"Earlier today. Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths, landing on the beach of South Padre Island."

"And moments later, Lavagirl blasted up from inside an active volcano."

"Go Sharkboy and lavagirl"

"She's from the Earth's core."

"And here's Mayor Doolittle at today ribbon cutting for his city hall, rebuilt after the last time Heroicw went into action."

"Did you see that?"

"Of course you didn't"

"That's mean it's none other than Blinding Fast, the fastest Heroic on the planet."

"Go Dad!"

"And here comes Crushing Low!"

"And there goes the mayor's new building in record time"

"These battles are insanely expensive for taxpayers, but so entertaining."

"Pass the popcorn. This battle's gonna be epic!"

This is unprecedented.

"All of the Heroics have been called into action against the alien threat."

"We're getting some live footage now."

"And look who's back in action"

" it's miracle guy."

"You didn't expect him to actually lose, did you?"

"He's not supposed to be there."

"Oh my god"

"No way! No one's taken down Miracle Guy!

Evasive maneuvers!

"You okay, Sharkboy?"

"Oh no. I'm just getting some terrible news."

"It's almost unimaginable, but two of our heroes have been captured by the instruders."

"They are unbeatable."

"It's not over yet"

"It's looks like our heroes are fighting amongst themselves again."

"Ladies first"

"I don't need your dated chivalry."

"Fine, I'll go"



"Go, dad!"

"How dare you!"

"I want to see it again"

"And I don't want to see it again"

"Omg" I said this can't be happening

"And here comes Mrs. Vox to the rescue."

"She'll get those aliens singing a different tune."

"They took mrs Vox!"

"They got Tech- No"

"There goes Lavagirl!"

"What is happening? Our heroes are dropping like flies!"

"They won't get Blinding Fast."

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