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I'm sorry y'all it's been a while month since i updated Fr it has its November 2 😭😭 an ways im back y'all make sure to vote too 💕💕

~~                       <•>                  ~~


"Welcome to my training ground". Abuelita said

"Let's boogie"

"Stand together"

"Feel the rhythm"

"Carnage, Guppy!" I said as I walked to the side rewind was at

"Wow" I said as I looked at rewind do his stuff

"Calm down, dear"

Whoa... oh! I can't do this" Missy said

"Nope not for me."


"Ah. Okay, nieta, your turn."

"What? I'm not ready."

"And that's how you become ready, by doing it. Mwah!"


Some one Pov:

"I'm picking up a leap in the sound."

"What are they saying?"

"Can you hear them?"

"Yes, it sound like.. they're rocking out."


Yoni POV:

"Okay, work together."

"Wrong way! You're going the wrong way!"

"They look a hot mess" I said

"Guppy, stay calm!"

"Guppy! You're in a shark frenzy!"

"Attacking even your friends,"

"Your powers are useless if you don't stay calm and focused."

"She's right. I don't know how many cars I had blow up."

"Go meditate"

"Someone catch Slo-Mo!"

"Noodles! I mean,no, facemaker!"


"Who? Make up you mind." I said

"I got him"

"Listen to me!"

"Slo-Mo, you never do anything right"

I just left to practice on some magic

"Dissera Portus" I said as the door open

"Wow!that was cool" I heard from behind me

I giggled a little "yeah it was ok"

"You never told us your superpower" Rewind said to me

"That's cause I don't have one" I replied

"My dad is Damon Salvatore and my my mom is unknown I never got to met her so I'm a vampire/witch hybrid."

"You are?" He asked


"So you drink blood" he asked

"Sometimes only like once a month. The spirtes don't like vampires so they helped me a little."

"So you have super speed too"

"Yep" I replied

"I can do anything a vampire and witch could do just in one person."

"That's really cool you have the best powers out of all of us"he said as he got closer to me

"If you say so" I said getting closer to him

He just started staring at me

Then he leaned in a we kissed

His lips were so soft

The kiss was deep but was still soft another for me to keep up

After a minute I pulled away and he looked at me. He looked at me like he loved me

I know this is short but I have school in the morning. Again sorry for not posting I been working at school and stuff but make sure to vote bye bad bitchesss 💖💖

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