4) Searching - Yoongi

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As scared as Yoongi was about finding his soulmate, and the fear of having a messed up relationship like his parents; he still lingered onto the hope that things would get better. 

He envisioned a life where he could live freely doing what he loved. He didn't want to deal with the burden of caring for his parents nor did he want to be stuck living with them forever. 

Yoongi decided that once he found his soulmate, he would break ties with his family and focus all his energy and time into his soulmate and job. As cliche as it sounded, it's what he wanted, and there was no denying that. Yoongi could be seen as a cold person towards those he worked with, but truthfully it was because he wanted to avoid any awkward exchanges while also having too many ideas going on in his mind he needed to write down before he lost them. Those he worked with never minded his attitude though, they knew he was a hard worker. They knew the surprise takeout boxes they often found outside their studio/office was his apology.


It was another long and stressful day for Yoongi as the clock read 11:45pm. Even having started at his usual time around 9am, here he was, still in his studio working away. He had lashed out at Jimin for interrupting him during his quiet hours, which was the time slot given to everyone to not bother him in his studio and/or to leave a note on the door if they needed something. Everyone had a three hour quiet hours window during their day which was meant to be used to work completely undisturbed unless scheduled ahead of time. Jimin was in the wrong, but Yoongi quickly forgave him since they were best friends. Despite Yoongi being able to finish his work by 10, he still had more ideas to get down; he just couldn't figure out how to get them the way he wanted. It was only making him more frustrated, so he decided that it would be best to take a 15 minute break, and if still nothing he would call it a day.

It was times like these that Yoongi wished he had found his soulmate. He just wanted someone who would sit with him while he worked, keeping him company. He wanted to be able to leave work and go home to a place where they would be waiting for him to give him love and support after a long day. He wanted someone he could wake up to and be thankful for their existence. He wanted to feel the fear, the fear of loving someone so much that he wouldn't be able to live without them. He wanted it all. However, as much as he wanted it, he couldn't have it right now. He wanted so badly to go searching for them but he just couldn't find the right time to look. He knew that, in the end his soulmate was more important than work, but he just couldn't afford losing any opportunities or hours. He felt bad about it, but he really had no option, he needed the bonus hours that the company gave him. He just hoped that whoever his soulmate was, still held hope in finding him one day, and that they would never give up on him.

*ding ding ding*

The timer from Yoongi's phone went off indicating his 15 minute break was over and he either needed to get back to work or go home; he chose the latter of course knowing that once he started thinking about his soulmate there would be no going back to work. His ideas had left him anyway. So he packed his laptop and notebook and cleaned up his desk area a bit so he would be able to start with a fresh mind the next day. He planned on going home, hopefully not getting spotted by his parents, and getting a goodnight's rest to the thoughts of one day being able to leave that household and move in with his soulmate to live the remainder of their lives peacefully.

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