Chapter 1 {The Case}

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The Sleepy Boys were in their office, bored out of their minds. They hadn't gotten any new cases for the past few days and had no entertainment whatsoever. They were planning on just taking the rest of the day off to enjoy each other's company at home or spend the day at the beach. No one really knows what to do, since everyone was too bored to put any effort into thinking at the moment.

"Hey Phil?" A young man asked. He had bright blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was currently spinning in a chair around a large desk.

"Yeah, Tommy?" Phil replied. Phil almost always had a black trench coat with a white shirt along with some baggy sweatpants. he can also be found with a green and white striped bucket hat.   

"You think we're going to get any cases today?" The Child's voice lingered with the hint of hope something exciting was going to happen

"I don't know, mate." Phil responded. He was honestly just as bored as Tommy was. But a good detective is always ready for a case to pop out of nowhere.

"Tommy, why don't you just shut the fuck up?" Someone asked. He had a red beanie with a brown trench coat, with a yellow shirt and black leggings.

"Wow, Wilbur. You actually had a good idea for once." Another voice replied. He had long pink hair tied into a braid with blood red eyes. He wore a casual white button up shirt with black pants.

"Oh yeah? Well at least i don't look like Rapunzel. Stupid bitch." Wilbur replied

"Wilbur and Techno, stop arguing or I'm going to kill you." Phil said, annoyance laced through his voice.

Tommy was laughing his ass off but instinctively stopped when a woman slammed the doors open.

"We just got another case for you to solve." She said as she tossed the file on the desk.

"A new serial killer going by the name of "Nightmare" has emerged killing a total of 5 victims so far. He started popping up about a week ago, his 5th kill was earlier today. We have reason to believe he's working with someone based off of the way he acts. But the thing is, we can't find any trace of a communication device on him or ways he could communicate with someone. We don't know how or if he's communicating with someone, but we need you to find out. Solve this case as fast as possible." She said in a stern voice. Her brown eyes piercing each one of them with a cold stare.

'Damn this chick can be scary.' Tommy thought, sending a shiver down his spine. If he were to die, it would be at the hands of this woman when he pissed her off.

"We'll try our best." Phil said. When Phil said something, it was almost certain that it was going to be done.

The woman smiled and said, "We're all counting on you. Good luck." And with that, she left the room.

"Hell yeah! Time to kick some serial-killer-ass!" Tommy yelled as he stood up. He finally had something to relinquish him from his boredom, and he wasn't going to let it go. 

Everyone started laughing at Tommy's outgoing statement, although they new that they were going to catch this villain. Tommy somehow managed to always make someone laugh, even if he didn't mean to make people laugh at him.

"Oh come on! It wasn't even funny!" Tommy yelled as soon as everyone started laughing. He got pissed of at the thought people were laughing about his statement. He knew he was going to beat this serial killer's ass, even if he had to do it alone.

"Keep telling yourself that, Tommy." Wilbur said between his laughing fit. Tommy had hit Wilbur's breaking point. He just couldn't stop laughing. Tommy was the reason Wilbur still had a smile.

"Oh shut up!" Tommy yelled. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't fucking believe it. His older brother had just told him people were laughing at him. One more word out of his mouth, and he'd strangle Wilbur. 

"Nah, I don't think I will, Child." Wilbur said glaring at Tommy

"Oi! Don't call me a child! I am very much a man!" Tommy yelled. Oh, he'd struck a nerve now. Wilbur wasn't going to be alive with in the next few minutes if Tommy could get ahold of him.

"Why don't you both shut up?" Phil said rubbing his nose, scrunching his eyes. Honestly, how does he deal with these people? They act like toddlers even though the youngest was only 18.  Phil could probably argue with someone over whether he worked at an agency or a daycare. A daycare would probably be more accurate if he didn't say that the people he supervised were grown ass adults and worked with crime scenes and murderers.  


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