last days of peace

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Duryodhan's jealousy reached to the peak and he started arguing with pandavas and his brother Duryodhan and friend dusshasan also supported him

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Duryodhan's jealousy reached to the peak and he started arguing with pandavas and his brother Duryodhan and friend dusshasan also supported him. Shakuni tried to warn them but they didn't pay heed. At last, yudhistir told that rules are for everyone but he can't give death sentence. So what kind of punishment they should give him.

Panchali: Arya! Snatching a warrior's weapon, is not less than death.

Yudhistir: U are right! Bheem, Arjun, nakul! Snatch their weapons.

Duryodhan became angry and glared Draupadi. Bheem, Arjun and Nakul snatched weapons from Duryodhan.

A maid called draupadi and other pandavpatnis to check the food arrangements. They went to the kitchen. Duryodhan was leaving the palace with an attitude and he fell into the water. Everyone started laughing over him without king yudhistir and vasudev Krishna. Seeing this, yudhistir glared his brothers and told maids to bring fresh clothes for duryodhan.

Duryodhan glared them and left from there angrily. He was thinking to take revenge from pandavas and as their queen is their pride, he decided to insult her like that way which no one did and no one will do.

On the other side,

In indraprasth,

Yudhisthir: My brothers, u shouldn't laugh over Duryodhan like that.

Bheem: We didn't laugh because he fell but we laughed over him because his arrogance also fall.

Arjun: Yeah! If someone will fell like this, after showing so much arrogance anyone will laugh.

Draupadi: But Aryaputron! I am thinking what will happen if he will take this as his insult. I think he is thinking any way to take revenge.

Nakul: You are over thinking nitya.

Arjun: Yeah! He can't do anything because bhrata is samrat.

Subhadra: Arya, confidence is good but not over confidence. Bhrata Duryodhan did so much things but still he didn't get punishment. I am also feeling something bad will happen.

Krishna: I have to go to dwarka. Dau sent a letter. Before going, I will suggest u all to keep patience.

Subhadra felt a deep mystery hearing Krishna's words and seeing his eyes.

Duryodhan was thinking how to take revenge from pandavas. Pandavas were rulling over the aryavart and everyone were happy there because both yudhistir and draupadi followed dharma. Dharm established again in aryavart. Subhadra was also loved by the subjects of indraprasth. Her chirpy, loving behaviour compelled everyone to love her. She was like everyone's family members.

As she was youngest among all queens, she was loved by all of them. She passed many sleepless nights with them by chatting. She was the pride of dwarka, her family members and indraprasth.

Like this one year passed.

A lone tear escaped from Subhadra's eyes thinking that no fairy tales lasts long. After that, her life also changed like that she never thought and from there her misery started. She was shattered but still she was alive that time looking at her son but everyday she burnt in the fire of revenge.

Subhadra was recalling that tragedy which shattered their life.

---The End--

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