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After finally talking carson into going to vidcon they found themselves in a plane on their way to Anaheim, CA. Vidcon 2021 was happening there, Covid had partially gotten in the way but they were gonna make it count! The plane finally landed from their home in humid Austin, TX to sunny California. They got off the plane and felt that wierd "off plane" feeling, the kinda drowsy feeling you get from sitting and popping your ears for 3 and a half ours. Carson made his way through the airport, no need to go to baggage cause his backpack had all he needed in it. A cab slowly pulled into the pickup lane and Carson got in, still feeling a little off from the flight. He yawned and felt the pressure release from his ears so he could hear the radio clearly, the cab driver was playing 95.5 KLOS, a popular radio station that mainly played classics rock. The song that was playing was "thunderstruck" he only now realized the look of the cab driver, he wore a guns and roses t shirt and black jeans. He seemed maybe 37-45, either way he clearly was way into rock music for a grown man. There was even a John Frusciante bobble head on his dashboard with a little guitar in his hands. Carson shrugged it off and decided to check Twitter, "why was shane Dawson trending?" He thought, he soon learned shane was going to vidcon, he felt his face heat up a little. He didn't think too much about why he was blushing, he knew he was straight at shane is engaged! No way could he have a crush on him, boy was he wrong. He continued to scroll thought Twitter and weighed his options, he didn't know whether or not to announce he was going to vidcon but after some thinking he decided not to. He was worried people might go looking for him there and try to hurt him. Since the fandom had gotten big and he was cancelled, he had been worried about being swarmed or possibly attacked, though it was nice to know someone similar was going and not scared to admit it. He found his mind wander back to Shane, he thought of when he visited Jeffrey star, him eating the cookie dough, it made him blush a little. Shane was so quirky and probably the only person who could understand what he was going through after being cancelled. Whatever, no, he doesn't like Shane, he's straight! Carson was quickly pulled out of his thought when the cab stopped at his hotel, the hilton hotels close around vidcon because of dashcon so he was instead at a small motel, it was nicely priced considering the area and how booked up it was because of vidcon. He payed the cash driver and walked across the jagged sidewalk, the smell of smog and cigarette smoke from the woman infront of the motel putting out her cigarette on the red ashtray in one of her hands. Cason wasn't wearing a mask but feels as though maybe one would be useful right now. He vapes for a reason, he always hated the smell of cigarettes but loved the way it made him feel, the light-headedness. He vapes watermelon flavor cause he likes the slight lasting aftertaste in the back of his throat. He forgot to bring his vape charger though, he'll probably pick one up from a drug store nearby. He makes his way from the front desk to the motel room, it was the third door to the right on the first level. The door was a gross maroon that didn't match the green layout of the rest of the hotel, he quickly realized all the doors were this ugly color. He fumbled with the lock and key for a moment before swinging the door open to reveal a quaint room. There was a king sized bed and a small counter, next to the bed was a little desk with a lamp on it. There was no mini fridge or microwave but he could make it work for 3 days. The room smelled vaguely of vodka and regret, like someone came here to crash after a night they wouldn't remember. He plopped his bag down on the small counter and turned on a lamp, it flickered for a moment before  dimly lighting up and illuminating the small corner it sat in. A moth fluttered around the room for a minute before going and sitting right back on the lamp where it had been asleep. Carson felt a little silly for not reading the reviews before booking the hotel but felt it was too late to go back now. It was 10:30 in the night and he needed to get ready for vidcon early tomorrow. He changed into his pajamas and got somewhat comfortable in the cardboard hotel bed. Carson found himself drifting to sleep to the sound of sirens ringing nearby and cars breaking, he really was in California.

He woke up at around 7, he was hoping to get up a little earlier but it's ok. He leans up slowly and gets dressed before grabbing a granola bar form his bag. He chewed on the dry granola as he got dressed and pulled on his backpack. He was wearing a white t shirt and blue jeans, in his opinion the height of fashion. He walked to the cvs nearby and got a new vape charger, a mask, a coffee, and a sandwich for later. He called and Uber and was driven to the convention.

The con was nice, he got a couple nasty looks but otherwise was ok. He saw Schlatt at one point and tried to walk over but was met with an awkward step away, and a panicked gaze. Schlatt turned away and kept walking to where he was meeting Charlie and Ted. Carson felt outcasted, ignored, betrayed, until...

He saw him, Shane.

1001 WORDS!!
Incase you are wondering, yes this is a crack fic. I came up with this as a joke but I decided to follow through and here we are! I absolutely hate both creators and thought this would be funny. Any "angst" for either of them is made to make fun of them, I feel no sympathy for either creator. See you in the next part!

P.s. don't vape, it's bad for you, watermelon or not.

Understanding | Carson x Shane dawson | crackfic Where stories live. Discover now