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Shane had always felt like his fiancé didn't get his struggle, being cancelled, it's not like he REALLY fucked a cat. He didn't put his dick anywhere near that cat. He just felt casted out, like no one could truly understand, that's when he heard about CallMeCarson. I man who could understand, a man who was cancelled for "allegedly" sexting a person 2 years younger than him.

Shane nervously tweeted about going to vidcon, now to wait and- wait... Carson likes his post? Shane felt his cheeks flush slightly.

Now, he was here, eye to eye, with Carson. Carson was wearing a relaxed outfit, his hair sleek and yellow, Shane always admired how confident Carson was, his fiancé was never so bold but Carson... he was something else.

They felt them selves gravitate towards eachother, immediately starting to flirt. Shane felt comfortable around Carson, like they were meant for eachother.

One thing led to another and now Carson and Shane were in a porta potty. Carson grinding on the redhead and groaning, you can fill in the blanks for what happens next.

Wether or not they were soulmates would never be found out, a fan heard and recorded the audio. Carson and Shane really dig themselves a deep hole huh?

Shane isn't getting married and carson has officially left the internet. Maybe they could have been more than what happened but deep down they both knew it would never work, mostly because they were more attracted to cats and underage girls than they were to eachother. They loved the idea of being with someone who would "understand" but in practice, it's just stressed out and smelly, like having sex in a porta potty.

A/N I know this is short and it's probably annoying for it to say "you can fill in the blanks" but I wasn't super comfy writing smut, if this blows up or something and people want that then I will give it a shot. Other wise this is over, again unless people want me to continue it. AGAIN I DO NOT SUPPORT SHANE OR CARSON AND IF YOU DO FUCK OFF MY PAGE. thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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