Epilogue: I'm Not Broken Anymore

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Liam's POV
1 ½ Months Later

"And maybe I'm not broken anymore," Cam sang with confidence and power, finishing her strong. She pulled her headphones down around her neck between recordings, her eyes reading the lyrics on the page in front of her.
Cam was working intently, her next album set to be released in 6 months with still a lot of work to do. I smiled as Cam started singing the song again. Her words capturing her heart and her message effortlessly. I watched quietly as her sound technician spoke with her now manager, Matt. The two spotting me and nodding at each other.
The song came to a close and they spoke to her over the headset. "You've been working hard," Matt said. "Let's go ahead and call it a day." Cam smiled, thanking them.
She walked towards me, reaching for her bag that I already held my hands. I helped her lace her arms through the backpack's straps and then took her hand in mine, leading her to the lobby and then through the small group of paparazzi to my car.
I held her hand as I drove back to my flat. Both of us quiet, but comfortable. I squeezed her hand as I made the final turn into the car park. She followed me inside, gently throwing her bag to the side. Laughing as my dog ran up to sniff her hands. I pulled her close, our hands intertwined as I kissed her.
We pulled away from one another out of breath. "I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow," Cam breathed out.
"I know, but you're coming out after your album release and then again before your tour," I tried to reason, but we both knew that it would be crazy. "We'll make everything work, I promise." She smiled at my assuredness.
"Do you want me to help you finish packing?" She offered, knowing that I had everything laid out, but not packed. I smiled sheepishly at her before she took my hand and drug me to my room. I watched and helped her fold each piece of clothing that she was putting in my suitcase. We finished quicker than expected. I moved the luggage to the floor, giving us room to lay across my bed.
I pulled her close to my body wrapping my arms around her. I rubbed up and down her spine, lulling her into a near slumber state. "I love you," she stated her words slow and quiet.
"I know you do," I told her. "I love you, too." I pecked her forehead once, grinning down at her as she fell asleep.

AN: Read next part for a special message from me.
All the love,

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