Chapter 13: Perfectly Purple

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Chapter Thirteen

Cam’s POV

About Two Months Later- One Day Before the First Show

“Okay, Cam. That’s good, you’ve rehearsed enough for today,” Jeff said to me from the edge of the stage. “You’ll be back here tomorrow for the show, but I need to go over your schedule for the tour.” I nodded and grabbed the water bottle from beside my feet. I walked to the edge of the stage and was about to sit down on it when someone wrapped their arms around me. I struggled to turn around.

“Your rehearsals were really good, Cam,” Ed’s voice told me. He laughed and released me slightly letting me turn to face him. When I turned around completely I brought him into a proper hug.

“Feels like I haven’t seen you, or any of the guys for that matter, since the movie night last month.” He chuckled and I released him from my hold.

“That’s cause you haven’t, love. You’ve been busy. I’ve been busy. They’ve been busy. At least we managed to still somewhat talk to one another,” he told me. I nodded and he smiled. “I’m going to let you get back to talking to your manager. If you want to stay until the end of my rehearsals, the rest of the guys are going to show up.” I nodded and continued to sit down on the edge of the stage. Jeff came and stood in front of where I was sitting. He was working on his phone, but he had a folder tucked under his arm.

Jeff finished whatever he was doing on his phone and handed me the folder that he had. “Here is a rough schedule for everything over the first half of the tour,” he said to me. I took the folder and flipped through the pages glancing over the events that I had scheduled. There was one that really stood out though. Highlighted in bright pink was “CAM’S HOMEBOUND CONCERT”. I paused and up at Jeff who was smiling brightly at me. “I guess you found the surprise concert.”

“Yeah, what’s this all about?” I ran my fingers over the words and the paper.

“Well, there was an empty day in everyone’s schedule and I thought that you might want to have a concert all to yourself. So, there’s a concert of just you in the closest place that we could get to your hometown.” I looked at the location under the event title. My eyes widened.

“Are you serious? I went there to watch so many people, and now I’m performing there?” I smiled at the papers in my hand. Jeff was watching me intently, and he chuckled at my expression before nodding. “Is there anything else that I need to know about what’s going to happen then?”

“Well, you won’t have an opening act. But I asked Ed if he would perform a couple songs throughout the show to give you a break and a chance to change.” I pushed myself off of the stage and wrapped him in a hug. “I’ll be at that concert, as well,” he told me. I hugged him tighter. He laughed and squeezed me as well. I let go of him and stepped away. “Okay, now we just need to go over the general outline of things. After that, Lou is going to be here so you can finalize what you are wearing tomorrow night.”

I nodded. “Do I get to keep this?” I shook the folder slightly.

“Yeah, you have a copy. Matt has a copy, and so do Stuart and Paul. I’m sorry that I’m not coming with you on this tour.” He sighed and rubbed his jaw. “I expect a weekly skype call, and regular email updates.” His voice was stern. “You are also starting the first of the video diaries tomorrow, one each week. Matt will send me the footage and I’ll have someone edit them before uploading them.” I nodded and started to take all of this in. My name was being called from behind me.

“Cam! Are you ready to get everything finished for tomorrow?” It was Lou. She came pulling her supplies behind her. I smiled and shook my head in response.

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