Chapter 15: Good To Be Back

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Chapter Fifteen

Cam's POV

I finished the last song slightly breathless. The chord continued to ring throughout the arena. "I've had a great time, London! It's been a privilege to be up here, but I'm happy to announce that Ed Sheeran will be out soon!" I shouted to the mic. The crowd erupted in screams. I can't even begin to comprehend the feedback I got. My ear piece fell out during the second song I felt like everyone was singing along.

The lights cut off and I waited a few seconds for my eyes to adjust before making my way off stage. Reaching the wings I pulled the guitar off my back and weaved my pick between the strings at the top. I had barely reached the backstage area before I was wrapped in a hug. "You did so amazing," Lucas said to me.

"Crushing my lungs," I managed to croak out. Lucas let go of me and smiled. "But thank you anyways." One of the crew members handed me a small towel and a water bottle. I took a long sip from the bottle and wiped the towel along my face and neck.

"That was so good," Jeff said from behind me. "If you keep performing like that, you'll go straight into your own worldwide tour." Matt walked up to my side and took the guitar from my hands. "I'm proud of you. Now go and enjoy the rest of your night. I'll see you again before you leave for Ireland." Jeff turned and walked away from us.

"If you want all of the boys and Eleanor are in a private box up in the balcony, you can go up there with them," Matt whispered in my ear as he came back from putting my guitar up. I took another sip from my water bottle.

"Is there anyway that I could go and stand with Valerie?" I asked. Matt stopped what he was doing. His face was deep in thought. "If it's too risky that's fine, but I would kind of like to stand with her." Matt stayed silent for a little bit longer before nodding his head. "Thank you," I started. "I'm going to go change back into my other clothes." I walked briskly to my dressing room and grabbed the clothes from where I dropped them. I changed and wiped my face clean of sweat. Pulling my curled hair into a high ponytail, I left the dressing room.

"You ready?" Matt asked me as I joined him and Lucas. I nodded and he led me and Lucas to where Valerie was standing. I was recognized, but Ed starting his next song quickly diverted the attention from me. Ed's voice sounded through the arena perfectly. His voice held the perfect amount of warmth and rasp. It was truly angelic. My phone vibrated in my pocket. NEW MESSAGE FROM LIAM PAYNE: Do you and Lucas need a ride to mine?

I showed the message to Matt who smirked slightly before taking the phone from me. He typed quickly and hit send before handing the phone back to me. If you don't mind. Matt has some meetings tomorrow. But we'll need to make a stop at my flat if that's okay. I gave Matt a small questioning glance and he just shrugged.

It didn't take that long for Liam to respond. That's fine. Each of the boys has a key so they can get inside if we aren't there when they get there. I'll meet you backstage after the show. I read the message then put my phone back in my pocket. I turned my attention back to Ed on the stage.

Later After the Show Ended

We made our way backstage directly following Ed's last song. Amazingly, Liam made it back before we did. He held in his hands both my bag and my guitar case. "I went ahead and grabbed your stuff, that's okay right?" He questioned his own actions. I nodded and took my bag from his hands, slinging it over my shoulders. I tried taking my guitar case too, but he wouldn't had that over. "Come on," he turned and motioned for us to follow.

"Wait how are we getting back? Didn't Harry drive us here?" I questioned.

"Yes, but Ed is dropping Niall and Harry off at Niall's. Then Niall is driving Harry to his place to pick up his stuff. Niall will then drive to mine where Harry will be reunited with his car, that he is letting me borrow," he told me as we reached the car. I hopped in the passenger seat and Lucas sat in the back. Liam walked to the driver's side before getting in. We somehow managed to leave the venue quickly and we were at my flat quickly.

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