A Shared Moment

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((Why hello again! Long time no write! Sorry for the silence, I had a lot going on with my schooling! But~ good news~! I'm GRADUATING! HAH! (Not that anybody asked.) yeah that's right. I'm old.
I have a problem........PSYCH! I do what I want!

Anyways~ here's your wonderful fun fact~! This one I learned from a friend and was EXTREMELY shook to find out it was true....Did you know that male Dolphins will use Eels and the heads of dead fish to pleasure themselves?
Yeah. Welcome to the land of "I didn't need to know that." Haha.....Ehhh..))

{Warning: NSFW ahead!}

Black Hat gently placed Flug on the Red sheets of his bed, practically ripping the bloodied shirt off the smaller being. Flug grimaced at the sudden coolness in the air, but settled when he felt the demons bare chest against his back. The warmth settled his pounding headache, but the pain, although not throbbing nearly as bad, continued.
Flug groaned as he felt Black Hats hands roam up and down his sides in a soothing manor. He then felt the demon's snake like tongue slide up his neck, a shiver running down the humans spine. The eldritch began to lick and gently nip at all of the marks on Flugs body, taking his time to watch the scientist squirm in discomfort. Black Hat lifted Flug further up his shoulder so he could reach the marks near his abdomen. A fairly dark bruise covered the marks on his neck and left side, the eldritch using caution when satiating the marks. Flug groaned when Black Hats teeth grazed his side, flinching ever so slightly. It was sore, yes, but the demons touch made everything feel so sensitive. It was almost.....pleasurable. He bit his lip as he struggled to keep his eyes open. And when he finally kept a solid gaze, Black Hat stopped.

Flug gave a small groan, the headache having drained most of his energy. He felt uncomfortable as he continued to sweat through the strange heat relinquishing the cold from his body. He was readjusted in Black Hats lap so his head could rest upon the demons shoulder; strangely comforting.

He glanced to the side, locking eyes with the demon. Black Hat stared into Flug's mesmerizing green eyes, feeling like he was being drawn into a trance. Before he knew it, he was leaning forwards, drawing them both into a kiss.
As Flug slowly came back to his senses, he blushed, confused, yet not discouraged by the sudden intimacy. He leaned into the kiss, his eyes closing. It wasn't passionate by all means, but mesmerizing? That it was. Flug felt all the unease leave his body. He began to relax into the demons body, and just as it was about to heat up, Black Hat hesitantly pulled away.

Flug slowly opened his eyes, only to see Black Hats face littered with a small hint of green. He felt the urge to be closer to the demon, and apparently Black Hat could sense just that in the human. He placed a hand on Flug's chest to keep him from getting closer, using the tendrils that sprout from his back to lay Flug properly on the bed. "You are to stay here and rest...I won't be gone long." Flug merely stared, his eyes giving him a dazed expression. Black Hat waited for an answer, raising a brow at his Scientist. Flug flinched, snapping himself out of his trance to give a slow nod. Black Hat cleared his throat at the awkwardness and left the room. Both screaming internally.

He felt like he just had some kind of fever dream. I mean, he kissed his boss. Of course there were other things, but his BOSS. And it only occurred to him now that it wasn't the first time. Flug pulled a pillow over his face and screamed into it, hating the fluttery feeling he felt in his stomach. He didn't think relationships were ever a possibility in his line of work, but now he felt hope. And he despised it. Hope only existed to be crushed. Yet here he was, blushing like a madman over his boss. He even tried to reason with himself saying it was merely the marks. But then again..


Black Hat had left the room in a hurry, quickly trying and failing at composing himself. He shuffled into the shadows, this way he could think more clearly.
...His instincts were driving him mad.
In more ways than one. He wanted to be close to the human, and far away at the same time. He felt the urge to lock him away or stick him to his side so he couldn't go anywhere but wherever he was. It felt so right, yet so wrong. He hated that he was beginning to go soft for the scientist; a mortal; a human. What has his existence come to? He felt enraged, yet hap- he wouldn't say it. He wouldn't think it.
But what was he supposed to do? Give in?

Like hell he would.

He caught himself thinking of Flug; His pained expressions, bruised body, the way he looked at him, his eyes...How he loved those eyes. And the way he looked at him when he was feeling pleasur- wait.

When did that happen?


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