Chapter Seven

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After the death of one more witch, the coven was officially in crisis mode. People were freaking out. Talk of hunters and death could be heard at every corner. People were even thinking of leaving, going to live with distant family or just finding an apartment in Albany for the time being. Sabrina, though she hated to see people go, had encouraged many to leave. The Elders had agreed that the less people here, the less chance of people being hurt. And so the numbers of the coven decreased little by little until there were only 50 witches and warlocks still left in the main house. Most of the witches left were the ones working closely with the Elders and their council to figure out where the hunter’s headquarters was located.

Some people tried to believe that the hunters had taken their leave as soon as the coven’s numbers dropped. Sabrina wasn’t so sure. Even if some had left, there had to be a few that stuck around. A coven of fifty, though not as large as the coven had originally been, was still a very powerful coven. The hunters would never take the chance of leaving this place alone

The Elders agreed with her yet again. They seemed to be doing more of that nowadays. But they were also questioning her more and more. Since she’d led Alain to the body of the young girl, the Elder had been persistent in questioning Sabrina about what had happened. Sabrina had evaded the question for two days, but eventually Willow and Alain called her in for a private meeting, and she knew just what the topic of discussion would be.

 She didn’t bother to knock on Alain’s office door. They were expecting her, and so there was no need. She opened the door and stepped inside to find the Elders sitting in two of the lounge chairs Alain had added to her office. Sabrina walked over to one of the open chairs and sat to await her inquisition.

“Hello, Sabrina. Long time, no see.” Willow seemed to want peace with her, and Sabrina couldn’t deny being  a little happy for it.

 “Well I guess I’ve been a bit busy.”

“Yes, a bit busy out having visions while the rest of us were scrambling to figure out what was happening.” Alain gave her a tight look, though it held no true hostility.

 “I-I… How did you guys find out?”

 “Is it really that hard to figure out? You were the one who always ended up finding the dead bodies, you were the one who saved Sierra Hawthorne, and you were the one summoning a hunter to your bedroom.”

Sabrina couldn’t help but notice the way Willow’s head snapped toward Alain at her words. It seemed that the Elders didn’t always let each other know every detail.

 “I suppose I should have hidden myself more. I was just… I wanted to figure this out on my own, and I still do.”

“No use in wanting that now. We’re with you no matter how much you hate it.” It was a bit of a surprise to hear this from Willow. But it reminded Sabrina of the days where they were thick as thieves, and that memory sent a pang through her heart.

“I’ll always want it, Willow. I’m better when I’m alone. But if working with the two of you means saving more lives, then I’ll have to do it.” Willow was looking at her with something similar to pride, though Sabrina scolded herself at the thought. Willow had no reason to be proud of her now. “Now speaking of working together, do either of you have a plan?”

“We are still questioning the hunter you summoned. We got his full name and identity, and were able to find a few addresses for him. We’ve sent people out to take a look at them. We don’t believe, however, that any of these addresses are the headquarters that the hunters use.”

 “No, I think they’d make sure it wasn’t on a record. At least not on one of their people’s records, you know?”

“Right. Now Darien told us that this…head huntress, if you will, is within our walls. We’ve narrowed the search a bit.”

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