Accidental Kisses - Eddie Diaz

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Eddie's POV

Lunch left us all in a food coma, hoping the bell wouldn't go and Peter wouldn't have to leave for his shift. We're all scattered around the loft: Hen and Chimney are playing cards, Bobby is on washing up duty and Peter's talking animatedly with Buck about the new Marvel movie coming out soon while I'm just sat in the armchair watching my weird little family.

Twenty past one rolls around and Peter begins to gather his things, needing to head off to work. He works in the coffee shop two blocks away and is always found here if he's got a shift later in the day - he's been friends with Buck since forever and I honestly thought they were a thing when I arrived. They're just so close and Peter's so soft and my gaydar went off immediately with Peter.

"You heading off?" Chimney asks as Peter pulls on his jacket, making him look tiny in the oversized clothes.

"Yeah, I'll bring back coffee." He grins at Chim before addressing everyone, "See you later guys!" We, of course, all bid him farewell as he makes his way towards the stairs and he seems to act on instinct when he pauses by me, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my lips. It's perfect and just that one quick press of his soft lips against mine is addictive and I want more.

All of us are frozen, still process what just happened as Peter leaves the firehouse. It's the shriek outside that has us realising what happened: "OH GOD I KISSED HIM!"

I'm up and racing after the caramel haired boy, seeing him leaning against the wall. His eyes are closed, head back and revealing his neck in such a sinful way. I try to make my presence known but he's too wrapped up in the realisation that he kissed me.

"Wanna try again?" I ask, stopping in front of him, trying everything to not lean forwards and kiss his neck. His kaleidoscope eyes fly open and immediately his face turns bright red.

"Eddie... I-I'm sorry I don't know what-" I grab his face and kiss him silent. He just sinks into the kiss, hands scrabbling for something solid and settling for one in my hair and the other bunches in my shirt.

"It was perfect." I whisper against his lips, feeling his smile before I press another kiss to his lips unable to stop myself, "Be mine?"

He's perfect and mine.

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