The One Where Christopher Ends Up With Three Fathers - Evan Buckley

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Eddie Diaz's POV

The look of panic plastered across Buck's face is the first indication that the phone call he's coming back from is bad news and all of 118 know it. He's running his hands through his hair over and over again as he approaches me out of all of us, "I need the keys to the truck." 


"Give me the fucking keys!" He snaps so I grab him and hold him despite his struggling, me being just slightly stronger than him and being able to hold him until all the fight just leaves his body and he's... he's crying. 

"I need to go to the hospital," He chokes out, face pressed against my shoulder as his hands ball the fabric of my firefighter issued teeshirt on my back, "Please Eddie." 

Bobby immediately gives us the go ahead as my shift is ending in less then half an hour and Chimney disappears off, probably to call Maddie because that's the only thing all of us can assume is what's got Buck so messed up. I don't speak a word as I lead my sobbing best friend to my truck by the wrist, knowing Buck will talk if and when he wants to. 

He doesn't say a word the whole way to the hospital, trying to compose himself the whole twenty minute journey and despite every urge in his body he waits for me to also get out once we're parked. As soon as the car is locked he's gripping my hand and dragging me along as he bolts inside and up to the receptionist. 

"Peter, Peter Lahey." Buck's voice cracks, barely waiting for the receptionist to direct him and again I'm being dragged behind my best friend who is very close to having a breakdown. I've never seen him like this, not even when he and Christopher got caught up in the tsunami. The look on Buck's face when we stop outside the hospital room where a young man is sat shirtless being treated... It's the same look I give Christopher when he gets hurt in any way. He drops my hand and slowly steps inside, causing the young man and nurse be alerted by our presences and the young man's badly bruised face lights up when he sees Buck. 

"Hi!" He grins at Buck through the badly split lip, a light and bubbly laugh emitted when the nurse playfully reprimands him for smiling so wide or he'll reopen the cut. She excuses herself, nodding to me with a small smile as I stay in the doorway just watching Buck approach the patient - Peter I'm guessing. 

"W-what happened?" Buck's voice breaks and the smile on Peter's face falters before he just reaches for Buck's hand and pulls the firefighter the rest of the way. Buck sighs softly, cupping Peter's face gently in his hands before surprising me and leaning down to press a sweet kiss to his lips. All the tension in Peter's battered and bruised body eases and I decide I shouldn't be standing here and watching such a private moment but as soon as I turn to leave Buck's voice calls, "Eddie wait," 

"So this is the very famous Eddie Diaz, huh?" Peter's voice is soft and warm and I can't help but smile at him as I step inside the room, really unsure what I should be doing, "I'm Peter, it's awesome to finally meet you." He goes to stand up but Buck fusses and forces Peter back to sitting on the bed, causing Peter to laugh again and bat his hands away saying, "I told them to call you so you can sign the discharge papers, I can't sign them." 

Both mine and Buck's gaze are directed to Peter's right hand that is bandaged up but not in a cast. Buck's gaze darkens and his jaw clenches before he says in a tight voice, "Eddie help him get his shirt back on." Before storming out of the room. I'm torn between following Buck or actually helping Peter until Peter lets out a pained whimper as he tries to bend down to get the sweater. 

"Hey, none of that," I rush in, causing Peter to roll his eyes at me but there's a appreciative smile on his face so I do just as Buck asks, help Peter slip his arms into the sleeves and get it over his head before gently pulling the soft fabric of the sweater over his badly bruised ribs, swallowing as I see the small splatters of blood over the orange. Before I can ask Buck reappears, calmer, and with a wheelchair.

"No," Peter forces himself to stand, determination on his face, "I'm going in a wheelchair. I've been beaten up not crippled." He holds his ground, a silent argument happening between the couple before Buck sigh in defeat and shadows Peter's every step so I do the same, not sure if Buck is going to talk to me or not.

Buck only speaks up when we get back to the firehouse, taking a deep breath, "Buck..." He glances to the back seats where Peter has fallen asleep before turning to me, "I don't know what to do, I'm going to have to take a few days off work to care for him but I have rent-" 

"I'll take him okay, me and Christopher will take care of Peter when you're on shift," I tell him, no doubt in my mind on this, "When we're both on shift I'm sure Bobby won't mind Peter camping in the loft and this is only happening if you tell me what happened."

"His dad..." Buck glances back at Peter again, a soft look in his eyes, "His dad beats him and Peter refuses to leave until his younger brother - Isaac - is 18. It's a week and I don't know what to do. I hate seeing him get hurt-" 

"We'll talk to Bobby okay but for now, go to work I'll take good care of Peter, okay?" Buck hesitates, so I add, "I promise."

"Thank you." He whispers before shutting the car door behind him. 


While making Christopher breakfast there's a familiar knock at the door before Buck comes stumbling in, caring Peter and arms full of bags while Peter just seems to endure it as he waves in greeting to me over Buck's shoulder causing me to laugh. Christopher just watches with curiosity as Carla agreed to take him last night so I could look after Peter and sort proper arrangements out with Buck after his evening shift. Before the couple I arrived I have filled Christopher in on Buck's boyfriend staying when Buck was on shift as he'd been badly hurt and Christopher just grinned at me knowing he'd have another friend. 

"It was either he carry me or he go steal another wheelchair from the hospital," Peter tells me as I help him out of Buck's protesting arms, making sure he at least leans on me for support, he turns his attention to my son sat on the kitchen island and grins, "You must be Christopher, a pleasure to meet you." 

"Hi!" Christopher grins back and I know they're going to be awesome friends which is what it seems Peter needs right now. I direct Peter to the sofa so Buck can stop giving us stern looks while he unpacks the four bags of shopping he brought with them. 

"So, there's snacks and drinks for Peter in the fridge, his medications are all labelled with times and what he can eat around them and-" He stops fussing when Peter raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend who is now comfortably sat on the couch with his feet up causing Buck to blush slightly before he goes over to Peter and kisses him, "I'm going to be late if I don't go, you sure you'll be okay?"

"Go!" Both Peter and I shoo him out, hearing him call something about the three of us behaving and for me to read the list of instructions he pinned to the fridge before I shut the front door. 


"Buck is so going to kill you." Peter tells me from the backseat where he's sat with Christopher as we're on the way to the firehouse because both boys were getting restless and Buck's only got an hour left of his shift. 

"That's why I'm taking you to a public place where he cannot kill either of us," I wink playfully at him and both laugh, Christopher grinning up at his newfound friend as we pull up. I help both out of the car and make sure Peter has at least one of the fluffy grey blankets that Buck left with us in his arms and giving Christopher his crutches before we enter the station where both the ambulance and firetruck are sat. 

"Eddie! I thought it was your day off," Bobby notices us first from the loft and there's a crash and clatter before Buck appears next to Bobby. He disappears again except for the furious pounding of his feet on the stairs and then him racing over to us. 

"They were both getting antsy so I had to take them somewhere." I tell Buck when he glances at me, fear and worry filling them before it dissipates and he pulls Peter into a gentle hug. 

"Let's get you situated on the sofa." Buck agrees defeatedly and some of that fire in Peter seems to go out and Buck notices it too, "Hey, hey, it's okay baby. I knew you wouldn't be able to sit still for too long." He reassures Peter but it doesn't seem to do much so Buck choses a different method: he cups Peter's face in his hands and presses a kiss to his lips that has Christopher making a fake throwing up sound like most ten year olds would do. The combination of the two causes Peter to brighten up and he emits the cutes giggle ever and I know the pair of them are perfect. 

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