№11 Confusing Boom Boom Boi and a Surprise

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Sorry this is short! I've been sick and busy so updating was put on the back burner, but I'll try to publish more soon!

When we enter the building Momo comes over. After noticing me she stops in her tracts. "Hello Momo, can you help get Nami-kun here a DNA sample. Bakubro seems to recognize him as someone else so we're just checking it out." Wow, Kirishima's a good actor. Maybe I should have recruited him as a villain. Everyone else seems to not realize they have to play the part. They can't just see me or a vigilante out of costume and strolling around and take us in. Not without proof. "Yeah I can get Mid…Nami-kun a DNA test." Creating a swab and tub she comes over to me and has me open my mouth. Carefully taking the swab out she puts it in the tube and walks off.

"Do you want me to stay here or just give you my number to call me?" I can see everyone else tense as I speak. They expect me to fight them in broad daylight if I don't get my way. Idiots. "Can we actually ask you some questions? Just for our peace of mind. Especially Bakugou's." Whispering the last part as to not anger the Pomeranian who was taken to being far away from me. Probably trying to hold himself back from attacking an "innocent victim". "That's fine! I don't have anywhere to be and my business partner can open our cafe just fine so I'm free for the rest of the day!" I keep my regular cheerful expression and happy attitude like I would if we were in the dorms. "Great! Let's head to the interrogation room. Don't worry, it's just for formality sake." Nodding my head I keep a bounce in my step as we head off to another room.

It had been 2 hours since I got here and FINALLY Uraraka and Sero get told that the results are back. As they walk out a smile. I wait about two minutes before I hear the unmistakable sound of a nitroglycerin explosion from a certain boom boom boi. Suddenly the door slams open and a very pissed off Bakugou shows up. "Hello Dynamite, is there anything wrong?" Slamming his hands on the table he glares at me. "I KNOW YOU CHANGED IT! HOW DID YOU DO IT?!" Pretending to be confused and frightened I look at him. "I'm sorry Dynamite sir I have no idea what you're talking about." I let my voice shake a bit. Even pitch it a bit higher. Trying to imitate what I sounded like in middle school. He freezes for a moment before scoffing and walking out. I can tell he's shaken up about that, but he won't tell them. Now another reason for them to not trust him!

A few moments later Tsu walks in. "Sorry he was an ass *kero*. You can go now." Getting up I give her a kind smile. "Thank you. Oh and if you or any of the other heroes need somewhere to snack at I have a cafe a few blocks from here called The Broken Cafe if you want to try." Nodding its head in acknowledgment, I head to the front doors. Right as I'm about to grab the handle the first explosion goes off. Did I forget to mention that Bakugou wasn't the only one who could make things go boom?

Our first villain explosion! Y'all had to be expecting that. I mean come on we have Mei and a manipulative Izuku here!
Anyway I hope you've enjoyed the story so far!

Goodbye dearies 💕

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