Chapter 18

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Valeria's POV
Before Luciano and I could finish what we started, Autumn was dragging me away. We sat down at the dining table, Mia already seated. She rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"You okay?" I asked her as I took my seat across from her.

She nodded. "Yeah. Just a little tired. Between Marcel and Christiano, I barely got any sleep last night."

Autumn took the seat beside me. "Was it at least worth it?" Mia nodded. "Did you get you shit tore up then?" Autumn asked with a laugh.

Mia bit her lip, her dark brown eyes trailing over to someone walking into the kitchen. Autumn and I looked over simultaneously to see Marcellius adjusting the cuff links on his sleeves.

He never looked up as he spoke, his tone serious, and his expression blatant. "Sì(yes), she did." He finally looked up, his eyes trained on his wife. "But clearly I didn't do enough if you were able to walk out of our room this morning."

Autum and I watched, just as turned on as Mia was. Marcellius approached his wife, his fingers hooking around the back of her neck, as he kissed her temple and growled lowly in her ear. "No matter. Because later on tonight, after I put the kids to bed, I'm going to..."

He brought his voice down to a whisper, so we couldn't hear what he said next. Mia's eyes widened at his words, her breathing ragged.

When he left the house, Mia was left completely a mess. She didn't even blink as she sat there frozen, and probably wishing it was later on tonight already.

"Damn muchacha(girl), I want whatever you're having," Autumn said, pulling Mia from her trance. "Anyway, back to why I dragged you two out of bed." We focused our attention on her. "I think now more than ever that we should get not only the guys, but us girls out of the house."

She was right. Things have been a little tense lately. And I have a strong feeling that I'm the cause of it. "What about doing that dance we talked about?" I suggested.

"Yeah," Mia added in agreement. "I don't have to go in to work today and I can drop the kids off at my dad's house."

"Tonight would be perfect actually." Mia and I shared a look when we saw the smile on Autumn's face.

"I know that look." Cesare said, leaning against the counter. We jumped at the unexpected sound of his voice. "What are you three musketeers planning?" He flashed a charming grin, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Nothing!" We all said quickly in unison.

He pushed himself off the wall, squinting his eyes at the three of us. He could tell we were hiding something from him. "Are you lying to me?" He questioned, analyzing our body language.

Autumn's lips curved up into an innocent smile, her freckled cheeks defined, and her hazel eyes bright. "We would never lie to you, C."

"Mhm, sure po' rossa(little red)," he replied, still squinting his blue eyes. Walking past us, he opened the fridge, pulling out a carton of milk and chugging it, before putting it back and leaving.

Me, Mia, and Autumn were all sighing with relief, staring at one another with wide eyes for having almost been caught. "So we're on for tonight?" Mia asked. "Because I'm looking a little like Chewbacca down below." We all bursted into laughter. "Marcel might not mind, but I do."

"Yes. And I'll go with you," Autumn offered. "There isn't a part on my body that Niccolo doesn't pay attention to."

Mia's eyes grew wide in shock. "Like... your ass too?" I, too, was in disbelief. I never knew men enjoyed something like that. It's just so... filthy.

Autumn nodded. "Oh yeah. My bebé(baby) loves this ass." She beamed proudly like a child that just won the national spelling bee.

"Does he... you know too?" I asked, unintentionally voicing the question in my mind.

She nods once more. "It hurt like hell the first time. But now I love it. You guys should try it."

Mia shook her head. "Yeah... I'll pass."

"Same here."


After Mia and Autumn left for their wax appointment, I decided to take a dip in the pool. Dunking my head underneath, I allowed the warm water to pull me down like gravity.

My lungs burned, but I remained underneath. My feet touched the smooth flooring, and I forced my eyes open, thinking about all that I've been through. All that I've overcome despite my husband constantly tearing me apart like a rabid animal.

I was angry, hurt, and tired. I missed my family who I haven't seen since he tore me from their embrace twelve years ago. I missed my deceased child that he forced me to flush down the toilet like a lifeless goldfish. I missed who I was before that bastard beat me down, destroying me until I was left nothing but a pile of ash.

I swam back up to the surface when I saw a blurry reflection of someone standing on the pool's edge.

Luciano stared down at me, his curls spilling to the side as he tilted his head. His green eyes bore into me, a grin on his face. "I was very close to jumping in and saving you."

"I wasn't drowning."

"I see that now," he replied, attentively watching my movements.

I ran a hand through my hair, brushing my drenched curls out of my face. Placing a hand on the edge of the pool, Luciano crouched down in front of me.

"I'm sorry I had to leave you by yourself this morning. I had to handle a few things."

"It's okay. I hung out with Mia and Autumn. So I wasn't too bored."

"Good. I'll be back. I'm just going to go get changed." He started to stand, but I grabbed his arm, stopping him. He was looking at me with concern, but it quickly disappeared when he saw the michevous smile plastered on my face. "Don't," he warned. "This suit is ex-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I tugged him forward, causing him to stumble into the pool head first. Water splashed around us, and my hand flew to my mouth as a muffled laughed poured out of me.

He surfaced, his hair, clothes, and shoes drenched from head to toe. He had a disapproving frown on his face as he wringed the water out of his curly hair. He looked like a wet Cocker Spaniel.

He rolled his eyes, a small smile creeping onto his face. I knew he couldn't stay mad at me for long. I slung my arm around his neck, and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I gave him a peck on the cheek, not even bothering to hide the smile on my very unapologetic face.

"Naughty, naughty girl," he murmured.

It was my turn to roll my eyes. I used to push and pull him into the pool all the time when were younger. He always hated when I did that. And I always enjoyed it, loving to see him frown his adorable frown.

I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Mia. "Hey Val, you ready to go prepare for tonight?"

"Prepare for tonight?" Luciano repeated in a questioning manner and a single raised brow. "What's happening tonight?"

Standing back onto my feet, I hoist myself up and out of the pool, water dripping off my body and onto the pavement. I glanced back at Luciano and said, "You'll see," before winking and following Mia back into the house.

The guys have no idea what's in store for them. And if things go as planned, then Luciano won't be a virgin for much longer.

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