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KALYNN WAS safe to say, shocked. She assumed the library was empty, no one ever went there on the first night at Hogwarts. Hearing a voice from behind her wasn't unusual, ghosts were everywhere in Hogwarts.

But what she was not expecting was a Gryffindor boy to be stood there.

"Strange that you share the same interests as me truth be told, none of my friends do" Kalynn spoke, still clutching the copy of Romeo and Juliet in her hands.

"Neither do mine, but then my friends don't actually have the attention span to ever read a book" the boy smiled, Kalynn getting a proper chance to look at his face for the first time.

Sandy blonde hair which was leaning towards brown sat on the top of his head. Grey eyes and a slight pinkish tint on his face.

But the most notable were the scars running across his face. They looked painful, whatever happened to leave them must have left a permanent mark on the boy.

"Mhm, mine will read one but take in no information, I remember trying to get Ajax to try and read some more of Shakespeare's stuff and it was pointless, he didn't try to remember" although it was a fond memory of Kalynn's, it was just sad that she couldn't get her friend to share an interest with her.

"Ajax, as in Ajax Robinson?" the boy asked, walking over to the desk backwards so he could still face Kalynn.

"That would be him, why'd you ask?" Kalynn had her interest peaked by this point. Not only had she met a boy who had similar interests to her, but he actually seemed interested in what she was trying to say, Kalynn didn't experience that much anymore.

"We're in the same year I'd assume, that's if you are in the same year as him" the boy continued, smiling as Kalynn wrote down a note, scribbling down to Madam Pince.

Madam Pince
I took Romeo and Juliet like usual. I hope your summer was good and I cannot wait for when I can possibly catch up with you.
Kalynn Withers :)

"Yeah I am, only I'm in Hufflepuff" Kalynn placed down the note on the woman's desk and just stood there, the boy not moving either.

"I wouldn't have minded being in Hufflepuff when I was sorted, it seemed like a good house" the boy admitted, truth be told he was rather shocked how he ever got sorted into Gryffindor.

"Same with Gryffindor, but I don't have the courage to be one I don't think. Are you getting anything?" she turned her head upwards to look at him, there was quite a noticeable height difference between the pair.

"Forgot what I came for truth be told. But I need to start going back to all my friends, they've probably set the dorm room on fire since I've been down here. I'll see you around Kalynn" he walked out and looked at her confused face before saying "Oh I saw it on the note, my names Remus by the way, Remus Lupin"

"Goodnight Remus" Kalynn gave a small wave, Remus reciprocating whilst smiling widely.

Remus Lupin.

Kalynn Withers.

Their names stuck out to the other incredibly. They didn't know why exactly; it felt nice to think about though.

"WAIT SORRY, recap that all but at my pace" Lalaine whispered to Kalynn at the Hufflepuff table the next morning

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"WAIT SORRY, recap that all but at my pace" Lalaine whispered to Kalynn at the Hufflepuff table the next morning. Much to Kalynn's surprise, she had actually fell asleep around the time she left the dorm room.

"I went down to the library right, still humming that song. I get there, pick up Romeo and Juliet from the shelf, and then someone says they like my taste in music and what I read. Find out they know who Ajax is, then that they're in like most of our classes because it's Remus Lupin"

Lalaine looked at Kalynn for a few seconds, still being rather shocked, before looking over to the Gryffindor table. And sure enough, Ajax Robinson was sat there, talking to Remus Lupin.

"He likes Romeo and Juliet?" Lalaine asked, really just not picking up on half of the story. Kalynn couldn't blame her though, it was too early.

"Apparently so, wouldn't have ever pictured him as the sort to like a tragic love story" Kalynn glanced over at Remus, noticing he was doing the same and gave a small sweet smile before turning away.

"Neither would I, you should go over and talk to him" Lalaine had picked up on the small interaction between the pair rather easily, her brain just wanting Kalynn to make more friends saw this as a perfect opportunity for that to happen.

"We're not friends Lainey! I'll go speak to Mads and Ajax and possibly say hello to him, but we aren't friends" she stood up to go do it, Lalaine not moving.

"Are you coming then?" she asked, suddenly getting nerves to do something she had done for years now.

"I'm still eating, plus I'll get your timetable off of Sprout for you" Lalaine smiled at the growing scowl on Kalynn's face.

"It's not that difficult, you don't have to speak to him if you don't want to" Lalaine said as Kalynn walked away, before taking another bite of the apple which was in front of her.

"It's not that difficult, you don't have to speak to him if you don't want to" Lalaine said as Kalynn walked away, before taking another bite of the apple which was in front of her

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ooo can't wait for you to meet mads and ajax
keep reading!
- beano your beloved

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