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HALLOWEEN WAS soon approaching for the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Now, you may think 'There is no problem with Halloween, it's actually really fun!'. But for the Fourth Years upwards, the week leading up to the 31st of October were the most stressful and nerve wracking times for them.

"Let's be honest, we should just go together" Lily Evans and Kalynn Withers both sat in one of the courtyards in one of their shared free periods. They were due to be holding a Halloween Ball at Hogwarts, the theme being a Masquerade.

If there was one thing Kalynn Withers loved, it was a themed party.

But the whole downside was the expectation of a date. Kalynn had used Ajax the year before as a date, but he had promised Madeleine to go so she wouldn't be left alone for two years straight.

Lalaine had somehow convinced one of her friends to go with her, Kalynn knew that Lalaine would find someone.

But that left her by herself. Luckily for her, Lily Evans also had no one to go with, seeing as James Potter constantly pining over her seemed to turn people away.

"Mhm, you'd escape Potter, I wouldn't be so lonesome" Kalynn was looking over at the girl with a grateful smile, she was truly a life saver.

"Last year I went with Marlene, she's going with Sirius this year though. Somehow Peter got a date, one of them Fourth Year Ravenclaws to my knowledge though" Lily said, Kalynn listening in intently.

Throughout the start of Lily and Kalynn's friendship the latter soon learnt about the four Gryffindor boys who were self titled 'The Marauders'.

James Potter was what seemed to be the ringleader. He came from a long line of Gryffindors, being a Pureblood student. He was also rather intelligent when need be, and could have his funny moments. His big fall down was how head over heels he was for Lily and how much she has to say before he finally would leave her alone, he wouldn't take no as an answer.

Sirius Black was somehow known as the 'Bad and Rebellious one', even though the two or three times Kalynn and him had talked she had seen him as nothing but sweet. He came from the House of Black, a long line of Slytherins. He was the first Gryffindor though, which probably was the way he earned his title.

Peter Pettigrew was a nice enough kid. He was rather more introverted than the other three boys within that group, but that didn't remove how much love he had for mischief. He wasn't the best academically, but he had a heart and that was really what was valuable.

Remus Lupin was the brains, even if all the others were quite intelligent. He was definitely more reserved than the likes of James, but he seemed the most likeable in Kalynn's opinion. He had a nature which made her prefer him and speak more highly of him.

"So that leaves James and Remus dateless? Maybe you should give James a chance Lils, he seems ok" Kalynn was trying to reason with the girl, she didn't know why but she thought that maybe she should try convince Lily that James actually wanted to be given a chance.

"So you can be with Remus?" Lily laughed at Kalynn's confused expression before saying "He told me that you've spoken alone lots, you even walked round with him for Prefect rounds"

"No, not my reasoning, I just think you should give James a chance for-" Kalynn started, before feeling people almost surround her.

"Agreed Hufflepuff, give me one chance Lilyflower, just once. It's all I ask for, one day or just night for us to not be arguing" James was sat in between the two girls, smiling at Kalynn before looking at Lily.

Kalynn looked, next to her was Remus and then Sirius, Peter was sat behind Lily. They were surrounded by these boys, but Kalynn didn't mind. She did find them quite funny, though she'd never say that to Lily unless she wanted a lecture.

"No" Lily said bluntly, she wasn't up for any bullshit today it seemed.

"Please?" James said in what Kalynn thought was incredibly more sincere tone. It was subtle improvement, small amounts which would hopefully end up in something for him.

But Lily wasn't having it.

"No James! How many times do I have to say no before it gets through your thick skull that I don't want to go out with you!" Lily had hit a point where she couldn't deal with his antics anymore, they piled up more and more and it was just getting stressful.

So with that, Lily grabbed Kalynn's arm as she mouthed a pitiful "Sorry" to Remus and left.

So with that, Lily grabbed Kalynn's arm as she mouthed a pitiful "Sorry" to Remus and left

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REMUS LUPIN was awfully intrigued by many things in life.

He was someone who liked to have many interests, even if many of them were only for short amounts of time and fell through easily.

But the thing Remus Lupin was the most intrigued by was one little Hufflepuff girl. And little as in height, not age.

Kalynn Withers was awfully intriguing to Remus Lupin. She had an energy to him which was just almost alluring, though he'd never admit that.

She was incredibly intelligent. That was the first thing which Remus had noticed. She knew the answer to most questions he would ever have, no help ever needed.

Next he noticed how kind she constantly was. He hasn't heard a single bad word come out of Kalynn's mouth, and if there was one it was always in a lighthearted nature.

Then Remus noticed how cheerful she could always be. She had moments of stress or frustration, but otherwise she was like a human ray of sunshine. A smile always plastered on her face.

Finally Remus noticed how she always cared for him. If she saw him walk by in the corridor alone she would make an effort to talk to him.

Kalynn was someone who Remus could always be intrigued by. He was constantly learning things about her, but honestly he loved it. He loved this feeling, the feeling at the start of a friendship.

lily and kalynn are me and one of my best friends- beano your beloved

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lily and kalynn are me and
one of my best friends
- beano your beloved

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