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"MORNING MADS, morning Ajax!" Kalynn spoke with a smile on her face, sure she was a tad bit annoyed that Lalaine didn't follow her over but she couldn't really blame her, Kalynn did need to start doing more stuff by herself.

"Morning Kay, you do realise it's too early to be cheerful?" Madeleine Ross could never have a job where she needed to be awake before 7am. It wasn't her sort of thing.

"But I'm just happy to see the both of you! It felt like ages since we last spoke, even if we spoke on the train here" Kalynn stood behind the pair, she wasn't meant to be sat at the other house's table so she awkwardly lingered.

"You didn't barely speak, it was just us two and Lalaine the whole time basically" Ajax Robinson always picked up on the small actions of Kalynn Withers, she really appreciated it.

"I'd rather let you guys speak and me listen, it's more interesting that way" Kalynn wasn't wrong, her friends lived so much more interesting lives compared to hers. Listening to their stories was a thing Kalynn was used to doing.

"No because I'd rather you talk a bit more, your life always interests me, even if you're always reading" Ajax continued, Remus lifting his head at the mention of someone reading.

It must have peaked his interest if it withdrew him from the conversation between him and his three other friends.

"Maybe I will next time, look I have to go back to Lalaine or I'll end up dead, I'll speak to you later?" Kalynn noticed Lalaine speaking to Professor Sprout and knew she was getting the timetables for the girl.

"See you later Sunshine" Madeleine used her nickname, Kalynn then smiling. It was unknown to her why, but it always imprinted a smile upon her face.

"Bye Kay, say morning to Lalaine for us" Ajax said, he knew that Lalaine would hold a grudge if they didn't say good morning (which would last all of about 5 minutes), so he always made sure to say it.

"I will I will, see you guys later!" Kalynn was silently debating on whether to say something to another Gryffindor on the table, she had noticed people looking at her already, did she want anymore attention brought to her?

"Oh, also, good morning Remus" Kalynn smiled and waved at the boy sat at the table before running off to Lalaine.

But what she missed by running off was three boys also listening in.

But what she missed by running off was three boys also listening in

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"MOONY MATE, you've gotta explain what that was"

James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin were all sat down at the Great Lake, the latter was sat against a tree reading a book.

It was lunch by this point, they had given themselves enough time to leave the hall to talk before their later classes.

However one question still lingered in the three other boys heads - who was the girl who came up to Remus, and how did she know him?

"What do you mean?" Remus was reading over the same page he had for the past few minutes, somehow he couldn't fully focus on the book. It was ok though, spending time with his friends was a thing he thoroughly enjoyed.

"At breakfast, that girl?" James was trying to hint towards the existence of Kalynn and Remus knew what he was talking about, he just wasn't going to say 'Oh yeah when I left you guys last night I went and talked to a girl'

"Oh her?" Remus turned the page in his book, dismissing his friends words. He was finding the whole thing hilarious internally, how invested his friends were.

"Give a bit more than just 'Oh her' idiot" Sirius Black sat down on the grass next to the boy, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and just doing anything to distract Remus from the pages in front of him.

"I spoke to her last night when I left our dorm, is that alright for you three?" Remus sighed, tilting his head backwards before looking back at the book.

"More? Cmon Moons, I tell you about all the girls I get with" Sirius was notorious for being a heartbreaker throughout his Fourth Year, dating a girl for a little while and then getting with another a couple days later.

That's what good looks does to a person.

"Fine, I was going down to the library for some reason I don't remember. She obviously thought she was in there alone and she was humming along to this muggle song I like, and she picked out a book I liked. I spoke to her for a short while and that's it"

Remus spoke at a rather rapid speed whenever he wanted to. For someone who usually seemed composed, he could definitely lose his temper in a quick amount of time.

"Fine Moons, and her speaking to you this morning?" James asked, pushing his glasses back into his face as they had fell off.

"Just being friendly, I don't know? Kalynn's also friends with Ajax and Madeleine so she just said it in passing" Remus was smart, he knew the reasons that everything seemed to happen.

"So her names Kalynn?" Peter Pettigrew had just listened to the whole conversation, that seemed to be the only part he picked up on.

"Kalynn Withers, same year as us but Hufflepuff" Remus Lupin said before shutting the book in front of him.

Romeo and Juliet fell into his bag before he continued to be interrogated.

Romeo and Juliet fell into his bag before he continued to be interrogated

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you should carry on reading tbh
- beano

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