Chapter 3: sickness.

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The first injection was administered by Simmons to Skye and when she yelped from the pain May growled and her eyes darkened. She wanted to tear Simmons head off but she knew she shouldn't.

So as soon as the needle was away from Skye she immediately hugged the girl trying to comfort her. It was obvious that those two already have a strong bond.

A few hours later the sickness started to shine through. They were on a mission to find an O-84 and so they were in Peru. They were inside of an old temple looking at the strange object trying to get a read on what it could be.

Coulson met his longtime friend Camila and her cops who wanted to see the O-84 as well.

That was when the gun shots started. Ward tried to protect the three non combative agents and consultant to the best of his abilities which also includes screaming at them to go back inside.

May came to the rescue with the car and the three kids all very from ages 18-24 years of age. As soon as they were back on the bus (which is the name of the plane) they started shooting at the cars chasing Coulson and the Peruvian cops.

Once the cops were settled May started lift off and then put it on audio pilot to come down only to hear whatever the O-84 is it's got high levels of gamma in it.

When the dust was settled the science twins went to the labs with Skye going to her bunk. When the door slid open she looked up and saw May.

May saw the innocent eyes off her pup and she pounced on her. Just like yesterday she sniffed at her neck trying to make her scent the most dominant scent on Skye that she could.

She held her pup against her and smoothed her hair down for a good hour. They then separated and went their own ways.

Skye went and offered Ward a drink and she watched the Peruvian cops carefully. She didn't trust them. That was a right assumption because they got up and then she was gassed.

Skye felt her head get smashed into the wall by one off the cops and she fell unconscious.

When Skye woke up she had a headache and she felt the sickness kick in. She wanted May. That's all Skye could think about. She wanted May to console her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

She wanted to cuddle. As soon as she opened her eyes she looked around. Her hands and feet were tied up. Skye saw Ward awake as well.

Fitz and Simmons woke up not long after Skye did and all Skye could do was look at May. She wanted to check if she was okay and then she wanted to cuddle.

She didn't pay attention as Ward started talking about May being called the Calvary and how she defeated like 20 or so guys by herself without any weapons.

She could see Fitz and Simmons nod at this like they were learning it for the first time but their eyes said that they already know that she was the Calvary.

When May woke up she was a bit angry "I told you not to call me that." May said as she sat up. Once she turned around though her eyes darkened. There was blood on Skye's forehead and she had a small bump from where the guy smacked her head into the wall.

All May saw was red clouding her vision. She wanted to murder the person slowly.

Fitz and Simmons saw May's eyes darken and her body shaking which is a normal sign of phasing. They looked over to Skye and they could see why. Skye was injured more than anyone else with a cut above the eye that was bleeding.

They could feel the murderous intent coming from May who is so usually calm. They saw her snapping her thumb just to get out of her handcuffs and then she literally ripped off the ropes on her feet before sneaking upstairs and taking out the guard with her thighs.

She then cutt off everyone else's rope but was considerable more gentle with Skye's. Skye was also sweating letting them know that the sickness has set in.

Once they created the stupid plan to blow a hole in the plane they got to work. May went to get her plane back so she could land it at a Shield base.

Once Ward fought off the men and they blew a hole in the plane he almost fell out of that hole if it weren't for Skye's quick thinking of the inflatable raft that she read in the pamphlet Ward gave her that morning.

Coulson was a bit upset that his plane had a hole in it but was happy that the rebels were captured.

As soon as they landed the plane they watched with a few beers which Skye didn't drink with her being so young they watched as a rocket took the O-84 towards the sun.

As soon as that was over everyone left to go do their own things. Fitz and Simmons went to the labs. Ward went to the make shift gym and Skye went to her room. May popped in to check on her because of the sickness starting when she was surprised to be grabbed by Skye.

Skye got very clingy towards May, but May was secretly glad because seeing Skye sick made her wolf upset.

It was something new to add to the list. Skye when sick was clingy and very cuddly.

They spent the rest of the night cuddled up together.

The next morning Skye took her second shot and basically followed May to the cockpit. May allowed this because Skye was adorable when clingy.

She'd already started whining and whimpering when May had tried to get up that morning which was cute. May couldn't resist spending ten extra minutes cuddling her pup before she got up to do Tai chi.

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