Chapter 11: critical condition part 2

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Back at the pack house all members of Natasha's pack were completely worried. They didn't know which of their pack mates were hurt.

The two most worried were Natasha as she was May's mate and Bobbi as she was Skye's mate. Victoria Hand and her pack were all worried about their fellow wolves and Simmons even though they know she's not hurt physically she could be hurt mentally because her mate Fitz could be hurt or she had to see May or Skye get injured and she had to help keep them patched up.

Peggy was worried because no one was answering their phone. May always answers her phone unless she's on a mission. Obviously someone was hurt and no one could get ahold of anyone.

The pack links weren't working for some reason and no one knows what to do. So they had to wait. Wait and pray that everything was okay.

Meanwhile with Coulson's team the plane had finally landed at the closest Shield hospital. They rolled Skye in and listed off her injuries to the doctors.

Then they waited. They sat and waited whilst their pack mate/pup/fellow wolf/daughter figure/trainee was injured and fighting for her life.

It took 8 hours for her surgery when the doctor finally came out.

When May heard that Skye is on life support and they wanted to know when to pull the plug all she saw was red. Her inner wolf howled in pain and agony. Her body started to shake and she walked out of the room before anyone could see.

She walked all the way to the interigation room and she repeatedly punched Quinn until Coulson had to pull her out of the room.

"May." Coulson said. May left the room and paced. "He deserves to die not her." Was the first thing out of May's mouth when Coulson and Ward appeared by her. "Agreed. I need you to fly the plane."

As soon as he said that she looked confused. "You heard them, they said she's going to die." May repeated the words the doctor spoke. The words that came crashing down on her life. The words she never wanted to hear.

"I know what the doctors said but Shield brought me back to life so they can save Skye's life." Coulson said bringing out his file.

They loaded Skye onto the plane again and took off. When May set the coordinates she raced towards her room and as soon as she closed the door her mask fell down.

Her feet crumbled from underneath her and she slid down the wall. Her soft cries filled the room as she held herself. All she wanted to do was hold Skye. To have Skye safe in her arms again.

She tried the pack link again but it still wasn't working. She can't remember what she did with her phone so she didn't bother to try and call anyone.

Her wolf cried out in agony when she remembered how Skye looked in the hyperbaric chamber. She seemed so small even though she's 5'6 which is average height for a women.

When her door opened she stayed in her tiny ball and she felt arms wrap around her. The scent of mechanic oil filled the air and she knew it was Fitz.

He hugged her tightly and she felt his tears collide with her shirt. She hugged him back as their wolves cried out together searching for their third wolf to join them.

Their wolves were ignored as the final wolf was fighting for its life. The plane was then boarded by another aircraft and both May and Fitz quickly wiped their eyes and walked to their separate areas of the plane.

When Simmons saw Fitz walk back in with puffy eyes she dropped what she was doing and quickly brought him into a hug. She didn't know what it felt like to lose a pack member thank God but she does know what it feels like when a pack member was hurt.

When Fitz finally let her into his mental pain she staggered backwards. She could feel all the pain he and even May felt. Fitz was in a lot of pain due to the thought of losing a pack mate and a great friend but when she tapped into May's pain...

The pain was unbearable. It felt like millions of iron pokers attacking her heart shredding it molecule by molecule. Simmons knew that May was the closest to Skye besides Bobbi of course as Bobbi was her mate.

When Garrett and Trip enter the plane they asked to take Quinn but Coulson is quick to shut that down. Quinn had hurt someone he was close to and he told Garrett that himself.

Garrett thought that Skye was to be prioritized before the mission so he agreed to join forces for awhile.

They quickly left to go to Bethesda and when they got there they quickly left to go get the drug.

As soon as they administered the drug they saw that she got better. Until her heart rate sped up too high and everyone saw her body seize. It slowly came back down and everyone was relieved when it evened out.

"What just happened?" Ward asked. "The girl is a fighter." Trip explained. May sighed in relief and so did Fitz as their wolves reconnected with Skye's.

Meanwhile with the other wolves 10 minutes ago.

Natasha and her wolf pack felt a wolf die and they all cried out. Victoria Hand and her pack witnessed the shattered look on all of their faces and she held her head down.

No one had ever lost a wolf before and it was saddening. Bobbi felt worse and instinctually she knew Skye had died. She had tears in her eyes until she felt the wolf return to hers.

Natasha and her pack sighed in relief and cheered when they felt the wolf return.

"Does anyone know who it was?" Victoria asked. No one answered. Bobbi didn't answer because she was still relishing in the fact that her mate was fine.

"I'll call Jemma." Victoria said. She grabbed her phone and dialed her Omega's number.

"Hello?" The tired voice of Jemma Simmons answered the phone. "Jemma! Finally we've been trying to reach you guys forever." Victoria said. "I'm sorry we've been really busy with our last mission. We were trying to capture Ian Quinn and then *broken sob*"

Every wolf felt the pain in that sob and they were worried. "Quinn shot Skye twice in the abdomen once about ten feet away and once directly to her abdomen. We were rushing to save her. The pack link was down and we couldn't get it back up."  Simmons replied.

Bobbi's eyes clouded at the name of her mate and Maria pulled her into a comforting hug.

"Is she okay?" Natasha asked her voice held pain when she asked. "We lost her for a few minutes." Simmons said. Bobbi's sob causes all the wolves physical pain. "But we got her back, she's stable and her healing factor has kicked in. We had to administer a drug called GH-325. This drug has caused rapid cell regeneration."

So she's okay?" Bobbi asked. "Yes she is okay. I have to go take some tests."  The wolves all sighed in relief at the fact that the wolf pup was okay.

"That's good to hear. Bye Jemma." Victoria then hung up the phone.

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