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He had slept for two days. They didn't know why he wasn't waking up but the doctors didn't seem concerned. Hailey, Voight and Will talked about it. They had a pretty good idea why he wasn't waking up. Sleeping was less painful emotionally, but they would let it go for now.

It was about 10:00 pm on the second day when he was starting to show signs of waking. He lifted his arm and it immediately flopped back down to the bed. He winced and tried again and it went to his side where he'd been stabbed and had two broken ribs.

Suddenly there is a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jerk. His face scrunched in pain and with the pain comes anger. Anger has finally come home to roost and fuck them, fuck them all.

"Jay, hey it's okay. Just breathe. Breathe through it. Adam get a nurse."


It was no more that a whisper but it packed a punch, "Get out."

No one moved.

His voice was raspy from disuse but found a bit more volume now that his anger had finally risen to the surface, "Now. Get the fuck out of my room."


"Get your hand off me Hailey. Are you fucking kidding me? GET OUT!"

Will, came rushing in with Adam, "Guys, what's going on?" He could see how upset Jay was and tried to calm him with his brother-doctor mash-up voice.

"Hey...hey...Jay, you need to calm down."

He wanted to scream at them but the fact that his 'screams' came out in a raspy whisper just added to his anger. He tried to sit up but fell back to the bed in pain.

"Calm down? Calm down? If you want me to calm down then you all need to get the fuck out of my room."

His breathing was shallow and he's holding his side. It's obvious he's in even more pain.

"Why are you even here? Trying to ease your guilty conscience?"

Adam moved to the side of his bed, "No, that's not...not guilt...we care..."

"Not guilt, Ruzek? NOT guilt?" A tight breath, the pain was becoming unbearable. He weakly jammed a finger into Adam's chest, "that's the first thing you should be feeling." He took them all in, "You..." his voice barely a breath, filled with emotional and physical pain, "...are the reason I'm here."

Dammit, he hated himself for saying it but couldn't stop himself. He knew it wasn't really their fault, that laid at the feet of those who framed him. And even if they hadn't believed it, that might not have prevented him from being arrested and put in jail. But God it hurt that they hadn't believed in him. The rug was pulled out from under him. For lack of a better word, he was abandoned by them. He is so freakin alone and the pain was bringing it all to the surface. He closed his eyes.

Everyone is still. They can't argue with him there. But they had to do something to make it right. They couldn't just not come see him when he was in the hospital.

On the verge of tears, his voice quiet and broken, he told them once more what he needed.

"Please...can you please just leave."

That did it. They finally respected his wishes, all beating themselves up for not doing it sooner. In their selfishness to right their wrong, they not only caused Jay more emotional pain but physical pain as well.


He's alone and finally felt somewhat clear headed. He didn't know where everyone has been for the last two days but he's grateful they respected his wishes and stayed away. He needed time to think and has been spinning since he woke up.

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