The Argument

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A/n: This story contains heavy language, alcohol and drug usage, and most likely depressing themes and sexual themes. I will leave warnings for most of these things but just a heads up. Also fun fact! My dad's friend was in a band called Danny's BigWheel and they did a few shows with Limp Bizkit before Limp Bizkit got big.

Wes and Fred argued all the time, it was something me and the guys were used to at this point. But it had gotten out of hand lately. To the point we couldn't even make music because of it. Those two were both arrogant douchebags at times, but I could normally get past that. Even I was like that sometimes. But Wes had been off his meds and it made him a fucking dick. 

And they were in the middle of one of their arguments right fucking now. I usually tried to stay neutral in them or out of the argument entirely, because Fred was my older brother and I sort of had a thing for Wes so I wanted to stay on good terms with both of them. 

"What the fuck is your problem, anyways?!" I heard Fred yell. 

"You're my fuckin' problem, man! Always up my ass about something, I fuckin' quit!" Wes popped off.

"We don't need you anyways, fucking psycho. Go take your goddamn meds, you'll be crawling back to us in a week."

"Oh, I'm gonna be the one crawling back to you? You guys said it yourself, can't do shit without me!"

I groaned out of frustration, it never was quiet around here because of them. I opened the door and walked into the same room they were in.

"Can you two shut the fuck up for once?! Limp Bizkit won't go anywhere without Wes and you know it, Fred. And Wes, you do need to calm the fuck down lately."

"Y/n, stay out of this." Fred said. 

"So you're on his side then?" Wes accused me.

"I never said that-" I started before those two were back at it again, this time about Wes' accusation. Fred got defensive over me fairly quickly, being his little sister and all. 

Next thing I know, they're in each others' faces and Fred is going to throw a punch at Wes. 

I got between them to take the him instead at the last second.

"Fuck..." I mumbled, clutching my nose with my hand. 

"Holy shit! Y/n, I am so sorry I didn't mean to hit you, please forgive me!" Fred begged as Wes stepped back.

"She wouldn't even have gotten hit had I not started this shit in the first place. I'm sorry man, you're right. I need to get my shit together." Wes said, grabbing his guitar and leaving.

"Wes, wait-" Fred start to say as he walked out the door. 

"I could follow him if you want me to." I said, wiping the blood from my nose.

"You don't have to. And I am so fucking sorry..." Fred hugged me tightly, but also carefully.

"It's okay, Fred. But I do want to go check on him." I said, hugging him back quickly before walking towards the door.

"Be careful, love you sis." Fred told me quickly before going to his room.

"Love you too, asshole!" I said with a laugh. Asshole was sort of a nickname we all agreed on for him, and he called me shithead occasionally. 

John walked through the door right as I was going to open it. 

"Is Wes still out there?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's sitting in his car. Looks pissed. Also what happened to you? If it was Wes I'll beat his ass." John said.

"Oh no- It was an accident. Fred and Wes got into it again and I kind of got in the way." I explained, going outside. 

There Wes was, sitting in the front seat of his car. Just looking up at the roof of the car. He looks more upset than I'd ever seen him before. 

I tapped on the window and his head turned quickly, his expression softening when he saw me. 

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