Chapter 17: the most cliché cliché to ever cliché

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CW // Mild smut towards the end 👀

Katsuki Bakugo

I woke up alone on the Thursday morning, missing the already familiar warmth of his arms. I'd been staying at Shoto's place every night since Saturday when we'd gotten together, until that fucking idiot Kaminari had called the police because he was worried about me. Of course, he'd neglected the fact that I'd been at school every fucking day, and so wasn't missing at all. Fucking attention-seeking fucking bastard fucker.

But either way, my time so far with Shoto had been bliss. I'd spent a little bit of time teaching him the stuff I'd been over in class, seeing as he would be attending the occasional lesson. The old man trusted me enough to catch him up with everything he missed, so I had yet another excuse to be with him everywhere. He'd never overstepped his boundary, and I trusted him completely now. Yes, five days is way too soon to have complete trust for someone now, but whoever thought that can fuck off! It's my life, I don't have to learn from the past if I don't want to!

To be honest...I think I kinda wanted to have sex more than him. Yes, I'd felt his erection against me on more than one occasion, but it'd only provoked mine! Plus, I had little shame in grinding my hips back against him, so why not? Maybe...maybe tonight I can make some kind of move. I was seeing him of course, and we had plans to study since he didn't make it to class today due to training. What's the harm if we have a little fun afterwards~?

"Hey, Kacchan! Get your ass out here and apologise!"

"Fuck off idiot, it's your own damn fault if you worried!"

I'd promised the shithead that I'd apologise in the morning after he nagged me all evening yesterday. And so, walking out of my room, I told him about the apology gift I'd prepared for him, with Shoto's help.

"Oi, you don't have classes today, right?"

"No, why does that matter?" He said, faking annoyance with me.

"Because you're little insomniac freak is coming over at 10, courtesy of me. Now go get your asshole ready and get out of my sight!"

Yup, I'd set him up for a hookup. Seemed fair on a Thursday morning.

"And no fucking in my room!" I shouted as I left, leaving the blushing fucker dumbfounded in the middle of the room.

Class droned on and on and on and I thought it would never end! Shoto had not attended today either, which left us with a bunch of stuff to go over at his apartment now. I walked almost on autopilot, already comfortable with the route. Opening the door, I noticed that he wasn't in the living room. Peeking around the corner, I saw the edge of a shoe and realised he was trying to scare me.

"I can see you, dumbass!"

"Aw, Katsuki! Don't ruin my fun..." he said with a pout, kissing my forehead. I responded with a kiss on his lips, stretching up to make sure I got a decent connection. Once we'd finished our little greeting, I said "right then, get your books out"

"Hmmm...nah, I had something else planned"

"Oh? What could be more important than knowledge?"

"Cake baking!"

"Cake baking? Could you be more cliché?"

"Probably not, but I love cake, and I love you, so why not?"

".....fair. Let's make a cake then"

Shoto's grin was as wide as a canyon as we messed about with the flour, put way too much icing on, and smeared the food all over each other's faces once it was finished. It was...messy, clichéd, but fucking magical. And once we'd washed up and settled down at the table to study, I noticed that grin faltering.

"Something wrong..?"

"No! No, just...."

"Just yes?"

"...I dunno, I just wanna do something fun with you. Forever."

"Well we can do something fun! What do you want to do?"

"...I don't know! That's why something is wrong!"

I sighed, standing up from the chair. I sat myself down over his lap, straddling his waist, and looked down at him (for once). "Hey, I'm having fun as long as I'm with you, you know that?"

"Yeah, me too, but...studying this isn't exactly fun"

"What would you rather study?"


The single word practically took my breath away, and I saw the slight panic in Shoto's eyes as he looked at me, probably concerned that I'd be "annoyed" again.

"Hey" I said calmly, and he met my eye nervously. I stroked his head gently, separating the bi-coloured hair into its split sections. " want to try some things...?"

"....yeah...o-only if you want to of course...."

"Absolutely~" I said, before smashing my lips into his again, still sat over his lap. My glasses slid right off my eyes and the lenses pressed onto his forehead, but it didn't matter, I had my eyes closed. For the first time during a kiss, he got brave and pressed his tongue against my lips, and I allowed him easy access. He clumsily roamed around in there, obviously inexperienced with it, but not doing bad for his first time.I subconsciously rolled my hips over his waist, and he moaned into my mouth out of pleasure, a hand grabbing my waist and rocking me back and forth. He then leaned away from the kiss and began to suck on my neck. I arched my neck backwards and exposed some more of it to him, and he lathered it in little love bites and kisses, still rocking my hips to generate friction. I felt his erection underneath my thigh, and my own was beginning to grow, so I decided enough was enough.

I stood up off Shoto's lap, and he practically whimpered at the loss of friction. I simply walked towards his bedroom, seductively gesturing for him to follow. He did so, and I soon ended up pinned to the bed underneath him as he swirled his tongue around on my bare chest, my glasses askew on my pleasured face. Once he'd reached the bottom of my stomach, he clearly got a little apprehensive, so I decided to take control.

Managing to flip us over with more difficulty than I'd like to admit, I went straight to the good bit, undoing the button on his jeans. I took the zip of the fly between two teeth and pulled it down, staring up at a red-faced Shoto as I did. Pulling his jeans fully off, I got a good view of the bulging erection secreted (for now) in his boxers, and couldn't resist nuzzling up against it, gently kissing it through the fabric. I was as nervous as him, of that I'm sure, but instead of worrying, I just thought "fuck it!"

Or, well, fuck me-

I looked up at him as I placed a hand on the rim of his boxers, my eyes asking permission. He nodded, and I pulled them down, exposing him to me in full. His amounted pleasure had meant that I wasn't left disappointed when I pulled them down, and I spent just a moment admiring it before it twitched, obviously anxious because of me ignoring it. In response, I ducked underneath it and licked a stripe up the side. His shudders made me giggle a little, and I whispered to him before getting to work...

"Haven't even started yet~"

Sexy stuff next chapter, why not?

Fact for the Day: Shinso and Kaminari fucked on Bakugo's bed. In fact, they usually do, since Kami's bed squeaks and their dorm-neighbours would hear them.

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