Finale: the beautiful game

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Katsuki Bakugo

"Awww, who's a good girl, who's a good girl? You? Are you a good girl?"

Juno, our little grey husky pup, wagged her tail excitedly reaching up and pawing at my leg, her tongue lolling about. I bent down to her, and she licked all over my face, sloppy kisses coating me. We'd had her for about three months, and she was already obsessed with Shoto, but loved me as a second favourite. I think Shoto looked a bit like a 6 and a half foot tall chew toy to her, and she was constantly playful. We'd just gotten in from our daily walk, and I'd been playing with a ball with her at the park to try and tire her out, but it was me that caved first. As I collapsed in an exhausted heap, she'd whined and pawed at the ball in my hand. I wish the dog knew what "fuck off" meant...if only Shoto had let me teach her that!

While contemplating the idea of teaching the pup swear words, I thought back on my relationship with Shoto. It had been...just over a year? November was beckoning quickly for us, and I was currently on my October break, but unfortunately Shoto wouldn't get much time off, his training constant and unbearable. He very often came in with a pout on his face, and stropped like a toddler when he walked, obviously achy. I teased him about it often, saying "hey, you want me to massage them~?" He usually didn't take long to accept, and a night rarely went by where I wasn't gently kneading his calves and thighs between my hands.

It hadn't been all easy. Moving in with him presented it's own challenges, and we'd clashed over a couple of stupid things. I'd been insistent on having my clothing in the same room as his, but he'd stood firm, which is how I'd ended up having to leave the bedroom I slept in to get changed every single morning. Surely you'd think that after a year of dating and at least one night of sex a week, he'd be comfortable seeing me naked. But noooooo, the big baby still shielded his eyes when I tried changing in front of him.

Heh, doesn't mind when I'm riding his cock though~

I threw myself onto the couch with a sigh, and wheezed when the pup leaped up onto my chest and started circling. "Jesus Juno, you're fuckin' heavy!" I said as I rustled her fur, pulling her close to me. She would always cuddle into me whenever Shoto wasn't around, but ditched me the first chance she got when he came in.

Speaking of, I heard the slight creak of a door, and Juno's grey hair dashed passed my vision, almost knocking my glasses clean off my face. She barked and hollered as Shoto came in, bending down to stroke her head. He seemed in slightly better spirits today, and immediately sat down, so I knew he had something to tell me. Juno curled up in his lap, just about small enough to get there.

" a very interesting e-mail earlier"

"Oh? Who from...?"

"...........Liverpool Football Club...."

"Liverpool? As in....England?"

"Yeah, they....they want me to do a trial...."


"I mean, I said I'd go, but...."

"...why is there a 'but'?"

"...shouldn't there be? I mean, I don't suppose you'd want to move to England if I passed-"

"Shoto, I'd move to fucking Antarctica if you wanted me to. Plus, England is nice, I went with the hag when I was younger."

"...thank you..."

"So? When do we go?"


"....tomorrow." I echoed, before saying "right....I'll book a kennel for-"

"Don't bother, Kirishima from the team said he'd take her. He's got a little pup himself. Who knows, they might fall in love!"

"Likely" I said sarcastically. " many goals you gonna score~?"

"Heh, at least seven. Gotta make sure I get in, ya know?"

"Absolutely. Liverpool will be stupid if they don't take you"

" was the manager that directly messaged me. They seem pretty interested, and apparently there's already a Japanese guy at the club, so I could talk to him and learn English."

"Cool! Makes it a little easier"

"Yeah...but what about you?"

"What about me? I'm fine! I know foreign study is expensive, but I'll get a loan somehow!'re a footballer! You'll be on thousands it 'pounds?' a week, and it'll be paid off in no time!"

"Yeah....thanks again..."

"I told you, it's fine! I love you, so I'll come with you. It's that simple. The hag'll kill me, so don't tell her."

"....I won't. And-"

"If you say thank you one more time, I'm not coming!"

And that's a wrap! This story has been honestly one of the most fun ones to write so far, I've had such a good time writing Bakugo being an asshole again, since he hasn't really shown it off too much lately.

Juno may or may not be a Beastars reference 👀

There actually already is a Japanese player at Liverpool, a midfielder named Takumi Minamino. I do my goddamn research, guys!

New story the day after this gets published, as usual.

Fact of the Day: you are beautiful 😘

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