8. Dancing at the Inn

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It was the fifth day spent anchored in Tortuga Bay and the company lay splayed out in various bored poses on deck

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It was the fifth day spent anchored in Tortuga Bay and the company lay splayed out in various bored poses on deck. They had been asking around every day for the weapon trader but to no avail, he was expected back soon but nobody could say for sure when it would be.

"I can't stand another night cramped on board," Elizabeth complained. "This boat was not built for four people."

"Are there no hotels in Tortuga?" asked Rose.

"What's a hotel?" she replied.

"A place where you can rent rooms for the night."

"I know a place where you can rent rooms for the night." Jack grinned smugly.

"Not that kind of place."

"I think you mean an inn," Gibbs suggested. "And I know of a nice, clean one, where you'll get yourself a warm meal too." There was longing in his voice.

"I have money. I can pay for the stay," said Rose.

"We can't leave the boat." Elizabeth sighed.

"You can guard the boat and we go sleep in the inn," Jack suggested. "That solves your issue with crowding, savvy? Will be nice and quiet for you without us."

"Why should I stay? You can guard the boat," she bit back.

"Now, now, don't fight. Let's draw straws about it," said Gibbs.

Thankfully the others decided Rose did not have to partake, as she would not be able to defend the boat anyway. The other three drew a straw each.

"Blast it." Gibbs looked at the short piece of wood in his hand with dismay.

"That settles it then. Gibbs stays, we go." Jack chuckled. He moved his fingers subtly, almost like he was hiding something in his sleeve. It would not surprise Rose if he had cheated.


They had to walk quite a while to get to the inn. It was located in a finer area of the town, built on the slope of one of the densely forested hills that surrounded Tortuga. The smell was less prominent here and the streets were dryer and cleaner.

Inside, a stout woman with dark brown skin, greying curls and an enormous bosom welcomed them. Rose paid for two rooms, one for her and Elizabeth and one for Jack. The woman showed the way upstairs, walking nimbly despite her ample size.

"If you want company tonight I shall be next door, love," Jack murmured in Rose's ear, but before she could frown at him and give a caustic reply he had disappeared behind his door. Scoundrel!

The room was simple with a wide bed and a small table, but really did look clean, just like Gibbs had said. Best of all, there was a wooden bathtub that could be prepared for an extra fee.

"An actual bath! Oh how I missed those!" Rose readily counted out the money, and paid for one for Jack too. "Tell the man next door I recommended he make use of it because he stinks again," she said smugly.

Rose in the Caribbean // Jack Sparrow x RoseWhere stories live. Discover now