Chapter 30 - Answers and some bad news :(

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I owe you all an explanation as to why there is not chapter here and I know that I promised one but I am in a bit of a situation. I will explain after the answers to all of the questions. 

Can you not end the book so soon? 

~The book definitely won't be as long as The Understanding unless I add how everyone grew up and stuff. However it is not really going in the direction that I wanted to and I don't want to just pull random things out that don't make any sense so I won't drag it out if it doesn't need to be.

What will Donatello do once he is confronted by everyone? 

~This is something that I am still trying to figure out because I don't want it to be too predictable and I don't want it to be some nonsense. He could live…or he could die lol. 

Donatello- I actually do believe that you want to change. If so, why do you continue to walk into your father's footsteps?

~Thanks for not just jumping the gun and thinking that I am all bad but my father brainwashed me since I was a kid so no matter how hard I try to pry away from the grip he had on my life-I can't because he literally made me into the person that I am. It's so hard not to fuck_ people over when they trust me. I can't not do it. 

Kash- Do you think you’re going to make it out of the game dead or alive?

~Hopefully alive for Cammie and my kid's sake but I honestly don't deserve it. Someone like me doesn't really get this choice so I try not to think about it. 

Cammie- If you had the chance to bring anybody back from the dead who would it be?

~I wish I could say that I would bring Lucas back but what would that do for him but cause more trouble down the line for him. He is not in the right environment and I don't even think that he would have been able to break the cycle of young men in this community. I hate to say that but it's unfortunately true. I would have originally sais Blaze-because I believed he was a good person but I don't know what I believe anymore. 

Carol Anne- Do you still have feelings for Cammie? Can you see yourself getting back with Travis?

~I think that-maybe the only feelings I have for Cammie would be sexually to be honest but I've never loved her like that. I just liked what we did and I couldn't destroy what her and Kash have because I know a lot of people would point fingers. But that is a road I could never go down again. As for Travis, I don’t know. Not right now with all of this going on-I think that we still need time.

Slim- Do you regret anything from being in the position you are in now? If you could change anything what would it be?

~I regret a lot of what I have done because I questioned Diablo's power and now I know he is legit. If I could change anything, I probably wouldn't have betrayed my brother to keep my cover-at the time it seemed right and that shouldn't even justify what I have done.

Cammie- Who do you think is really behind everything? Who do you believe is telling the truth?

~I have no idea anymore because it is getting hard to tell. I know that I am telling the truth, and Kash and Carol Anne but I doubt Slim is who I think he is.

Duncan- Why Cammie? Why do you want her so badly?

~Cameron has been working with that woman Simone. If Simon helps Cameron discover her true power, others like me can no longer make our way into this world.

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