Chapter 22 - The Bonfire

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The crowd gathering around the bonfire could be heard all the way in the dorm rooms. Loud cheering, clapping and laughing. Highland County University was known for it's parties and events while most of it's students maintained a GPA above 3.5. Highland County's top student sat at her desk in her dorm room that night, cracking open a 600 page Biology textbook to chapter 13.

"Hey are you coming to the bonfire?" Cammie's roommate asked.

Cammie thought to herself, 'I don't have a roommate. When I was in college, I lived in an apartment. This must be me dreaming or something,'

Cammie looked at the girl, not even knowing her name, "Uh-no. I have a final to study for," Cammie half smiled.

"Alright, well I'll bring you back some s'mores. They might be cold though," the girl smiled and left the room, leaving the door wide open upon Cammie's request.

Cammie stared at the people running past with blankets, their phones ready for pictures. Some looked inside at her reading, thinking it was kind of weird on such a festive night. She pulled out her binder and started repeating her first page of notes.

"I didn't think you were this introverted," someone stood by the door, leaning against the frame.

Cammie jumped up and rushed to the door. She looked up and down the hallway, making sure it was clear and then pulled him inside, "You are not supposed to be here," she said in a whisper as she closed the door in. She rushed to the windows and closed them, silencing the growing cheers and closed in the blinds.

"It's not that serious," Alejandro rolled his eyes. His friends call him Blaze, for whatever reason she doesn't know why. His tall, light frame gave the room a different feeling and his dark winter clothing somehow chilled the temperature.

"It isn't that serious? Uhm-my reputation would be ruined," she told him as she looked at the s'more in his hand.

"What reputation? You're only known as the smart, pretty, quiet girl," he approached her slowly, putting the dripping s'more on the open page of her textbook, "-if people found out that you were screwing_ HCU's quarterback, they'd see you in a whole new light-"

Alejandro leaned down and kissed Cammie on the lips. Slowly he inserted his tongue in her mouth and she could taste the mint in his mouth. He's always chewing gum.

"You think I'm pretty?" she asked him with a smile.

Alejandro laughed and pinched her chin, "Why aren't you at the bonfire?" he asked her as he sat down on the chair and looked at her textbook.

"Oh, Biology," he picked the s'more up and started eating it.

"Yeah-I have finals," she sighed.

'We all have finals. What makes you any different?" he asked her.

"I have to really focus-Alejandro," she pouted.

"Take a little break," he leaned over and pulled her, forcing her on his lap. She faced him and sighed.

"I just have a lot of work to do. I don't have a lot of time to just be playing around a fire-" Cammie shrugged.

"But you always have time for me," Alejandro pouted and then kissed her on the lips, "and I say we do something fun."

He picked her up, putting her back gently on the bed, "My roommate could come back any second-" she told him as he kissed her gently, gripping the outside of her thigh.

"So," Alejandro said as he continued to kiss her.

"So that means we can't do anything because she will see us and tell someone else," Cammie replied.

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