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Season 1: Episode 8: The Outsider  {Part 1}

Leo and i were sitting in his room watching a movie that we weren't really paying attention to

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Leo and i were sitting in his room watching a movie that we weren't really paying attention to.

"Do you think that there was actually a selective process or they just chose the dead mother's kids and the Ravens leads? Because that doesn't seem very selective if you ask me." I say asking Leo as he sat there playing with my hair.

"I dont know. It was kind of suspicious but i am not quite sure. I'm sure they just wanted to honour your mother and they wanted you guys their as well." Leo says as he kissed my head.

"I know. I just... i dont want there pity. She has been go for a year. I dont want people giving me pity now because it happened so long ago. They are just opening closed wounds." I say looking up at him.

"It's okay. If you dont want to go then you dont have to go." Leo says as he rubs my back, calming my down. "It's up to you."

"I know, but i feel like i have to go." I mumble turning into his chest.

"Like i said, it is your decision." Leo say kissing my head again.

We continued to watch the movie and at one point i guess i fallen asleep because Leo's alarm woke me up. I didnt feel like moving, so i pulled the blankets over my head trying to stay warm and keep the noise out.

"Come on, love. We have to get ready." Leo said as he pulled the covers of my head.

"What if i dont want to?" I mumble as i buried my head into his chest.

"Please, do it for me?" Leo mumbled int my ear.

"Fine." I groan out. "I will see you in a bit." I gave Leo a quick kiss before walking out of his room and into mine to go and do my hair and make up.

"What are you doing Y/n?" Hayley asks walking into my room as i finish up doing my hair

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"What are you doing Y/n?" Hayley asks walking into my room as i finish up doing my hair.

"Well, as of now i am curling my hair and then i am going to put my hair into a high ponytail." I say as i finish the last strand of my hair. "What do you need?"

"I dont know. I just... what happened with Jack, i am not sure what to do." Hayley says sitting on my bed.

"Here, come sit down in the chair and i will do your hair as we talk about your boy problems." I say as i get out of my chair and dust it off.

"I feel like you have done this before." Hayley says chuckling.

"Well, i have." I say smiling as she sits down in the chair. "You have to remember who i am friends with in the Eagles. Sophie and Brooke love venting to me about their love life, that also makes no sense half the time. Okay now talk."

"Well, i dont know why i have these feelings now. I have really had them before when we where home. I would look at a guy and be like he's cute but wth Jack it is different. Even though he friend-zoned me i still like him... its like i... um... the more i push him away the more i want him around." Hayley says sighing as i start to brush her hair.

"Well, you have a crush, Hayley. And it is a big crush. The only thing is that Jack being Jack wont accept his true feelings and he is an moron. He will come to his senses sooner rather than later."

"Anyway, it is jus annoying that he lead me on and then dissed me and threw my aside like i was nothing. Like it was a joke to him." Hayley says sighing and throwing her head back in annoyance.

"It will get better. Like i said he will come to his senses sooner rather than later. If it makes you feel any better Leo and I didnt always have the greatest relationship." I say laughing a little.

"What happened?" Hayley asks smiling up at me.

"Well, it was something almost like you and Jack had. Leo and i kissed half way though our first year after that things got awkward between us. I was focused on school and sports and i wasn't really in the mind set for a relationship. And Leo wasn't ready for another relationship after his break-up with his ex-girlfriend Aspen." I say as i start explaining.

"Wait! Aspen? As in the Aspen that stole your dance and your song in France. That Aspen who threaten you to drop out or she would make your life a living hell. That Aspen?" Hayley asks shocked.

"Yes, that Aspen, Hayley." I say laughing.

"Does Leo know about this, Y/n?"

"Yes, he does, but Aspen said that it was me who stole her song and dance and flipped the whole story against me. Anyway back to the story. As i was saying I wasn't ready for a relationship and Leo was still getting over his ex." I say starting the story again.

"Wait, question. Who broke up with who?" Hayley cuts me off.

"Leo broke up with Aspen. Anyway, about two weeks or three weeks after the kiss we couldn't take the awkwardness between us and the made a deal that we should try the relationship between us and we did. About a month into our test dating Leo asked me to be his real girlfriend. We were not scared anymore and it was nice having someone their for me. And mortal of the story, it will get better and sooner or later Jack will come to his senses. There we go i am done your hair." I say smiling.

"Thank you, Y/n. I really needed this." Hayley smilies as she hugs me.

"No problem. I am always here for you." I say swing back as i hug here.

"Knock knock. Can i come in?" Some asks at the door.

"Yeah, sure." I say as I pull away from Hayley.

"Are you two lady's ready to go?" Leo asks as he opening my door.

"Yeah, we will be down i a sec." I say smiling. "Hayley you can go down i have to grab my shoes."

"What were you and your sister talking about?" Leo asks as Hayley walks out of the room.

"Hayley, is still not over Jack and i told her the story of our love life. And well it made her feel better, i think." I say smiling.

"Well, lets go." Leo says holding out his arm for me to take.

"Yeah, lets get going." I say as i grab his arm and give him a kiss on the cheek.

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