new beginnings

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chapter one

(post - avengers)

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(post - avengers)

Amber Barton, more commonly known as Bambi, smiled as she got into her car watching as Steve Rogers climbed onto his motorbike. The young Barton woman continued to smile as the super soldier rode away. Moments after the man disappeared into the distance the smile on Bambi's face dropped and she sighed.

She hated the fact that she didn't want to do home. She hated the fact that she feared what would be waiting for her. But at the same time, her heart broke to be away any longer.

With a soft sigh, she turned on the car and pulled away for Central Park heading home. The three-bedroom apartment that Bambi lived in was on the outskirts of New York City.

Her heart raced as she made her way through the halls of her apartment building pulling her keys out of her bag. Taking a deep breath she unlocked her door and pushed it open.

The apartment was eerily quiet as the blonde made her way toward the kitchen. She was shocked to find one of her work colleagues, Susan Lewis sitting at her kitchen counter.

Bambi frowned placing her bag on the counter as Susan looked up at her with a smile, "You look tired."

Bambi chuckled as she got herself a glass of water, "What are you doing here Lewis? Why is my normally hectic apartment so quiet?"

"Matthew is watching the news and Nick had to go and pick his sister up from the airport so he called me. That was yesterday, he's not been back since."

The blonde huffed and slammed her glass down on the counter causing Susan to jump slightly looking over at her friends with concerned eyes, "Nick doesn't have a sister," Susan's eyes widened at the revelation as the Barton woman continued to speak, "You know he has treated me like shit for the last seven years. He's cheated on me, screamed at me, hit me and I just take it. I just can't seem to get out of this cycle of abuse, if it's not my father then it's Nick and I need it to end."

Susan watched the woman with pitying eyes just as she was about to speak a noise sounded from the doorway. Bambi spun around quickly her bloodshot eyes landing on a small child in the doorway.

The child was a five-year-old boy with curly blonde hair and dark brown eyes. The boy was dressed in a dark blue T-shirt and jeans and a black hoodie that was too big for his scrawny frame.

It was clear that he had been resting, his hair was messy and his eyes slightly red as he rubbed the sleep out of them looking up at the blonde, "Mama? You're home?"

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