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chapter two

Bambi's eyes fluttered open instantly finding two adorable brown ones that smiled at her

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Bambi's eyes fluttered open instantly finding two adorable brown ones that smiled at her. Groaning she rolled onto the other side making the young boy the brown eyes belonged to laugh as he climbed onto the bed and pounced onto the woman giggling loudly as she caught him and tickled him. The little boy shrieked flailing his arms as he attempted to stop her from her ticklish attack, "Mommy, mommy stop!" Bambi laughed along with the little boy as she moved away from him to sit on the edge of the bed, "Can we have pancakes for breakfast?" Bambi smiled nodding as she stood turning to face the bed and lifting the young boy off of it, "We can. I'll even put chocolate chips in them." The kid's face lit up as he ran from the room towards the kitchen as his mother moved to make the bed.

The Barton woman soon followed after her son to the kitchen. The boy smiled and danced around the kitchen as his mother made him pancakes only calming down when she set down two plates of pancakes and glasses of orange juice. The two sat as the young boy told her about his plans for the weekend, they smiled widely until their morning was interrupted by Bambi's phone buzzing against the dining table. The young boy went quiet as his mother looked down at the text message that had just come through making her sigh. Matthew smiled slightly at his mother, "You have to work."

Bambi sighed smiling at him as she stood from the table moving to kiss her son's forehead, "Sorry buddy." She moved the boy to his bedroom so that he can get dressed for the day and moved to her room where she could call her brother. After confirming that her brother and sister-in-law could look after her son for the weekend while she worked she changed into black jeans, a light blue blouse, and a blue leather jacket that Abigail Stark had bought her for her birthday.

"Matthew, time to go. Uncle Clint will be here soon." Bambi yelled through the bedroom door to get her son's attention. The boy walked out of his room wearing blue jeans and a Captain America t-shirt causing his mother to laugh slightly. The doorbell rang causing the small family to move toward the door. "Hey, Clint." Bambi smiled at her brother as her son pulled on his shoes. Clint smiled at his sister as he stepped through the door, "Hey. Is he ready?"

Matthew grinned widely as he jumped to his feet running towards his uncle, "Uncle Clint!" Clint looked down at the boy taking notice of his shirt, "Hey mini Cap. You ready to spend the weekend with your favourite uncle?" Matthew nodded with a smile, turning to hug his mother goodbye. Taking his hand Clint turned to his sister, "You need a ride to work?" Bambi smiled kissing her son on the head before turning to her brother, "No, Nat's on her way to pick me up, and then we're gonna go get Steve." Clint smiled before kissing his sister's cheek and leading his nephew out of the door.

Bambi sighed making her way toward the portrait hanging next to the door and lifting it away from the wall to reveal a safe. Punching in the code she pulled the door open to reveal her gun which she attached to her belt before leaving the house. The blonde woman smiled as she climbed into the black car beside her red-headed friend, Natasha Romanoff. The two spies drove towards Steve Roger's running route. Bambi smiled as they pulled up seeing the Super Soldier standing talking to a dark-skinned man in running clothes. She climbed out of the car and approached the two men overhearing their conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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