Sleepover Secrets

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Since she'd worn an actual cute outfit that day, not that she had anybody to impress anymore, Ravyn hadn't been dressed for a movie night sleepover with Alice. Once she made sure her friend was as settled in and as comfortable as she could be in the situation, Ravyn made her way over to the closet and grabbed her extra blankets and pillows as well as a t-shirt and leggings. Bending down to get to her dresser hurt, causing her to wince, but that's what having nasty bruises on your waist and lower back did. That's what Lev did.

Standing back up, Ravyn set the pillows beside Alice on the bed before changing. She had already switched from her skinny jeans to leggings and was halfway through pulling her shirt off when Alice interrupted.

"Ravyn, where'd you get those bruises?"

Crap, she hadn't thought this far ahead. Crap.

"Training, don't worry about it," she lied smoothly, using her training to stay out of the woods. Alice frowned.

"I know you're lying. And you don't have to tell me. But I'd prefer it if you told me the truth. I don't want to be lied to anymore." Sighing, Ravyn finished changing her shirt and sat down next to Alice on the mound of extra blankets.

"I got really drunk two days ago and went to Lev's room. I tried to seduce him, which, clearly, was not my smartest move. He called me an easy screw, I pushed him, and then he grabbed me and gripped me tighter when I tried to escape. I got out of there, but yeah." Her words turned to a mumble at the end, and she couldn't make eye contact with Alice. Truthfully, she knew she could have prevented the attempted rape. If she had gone to Alice and told her the truth, told her about what Lev was like, that the rumors were true, then maybe Alice would have been fine. Maybe she would have escaped unscathed. But then again, this was Lev, and nobody seemed to get away safely from him.

Staring her down for a few moments, Alice stayed silent (which terrified her friend). After she processed the story, she attacked Ravyn with a hug.

"I'm sorry he did that, Ravyn," she whispered. The older girl laughed sharply.

"This is nothing, Alice. He's not as bad as my dad or Uncle Aldric with their words. Anyways, tonight is about making you comfortable and safe—" The door opened, and both girls turned to face Ksenia.

"What is she doing here?" the blonde asked. Ravyn flashed a comforting look to Alice before standing and walking over. If she was right, her roommate's face looked to be a mix of fear and fury.

"She's staying the night, Ksenia."

"No. No, she's not staying here. Not after what she did to my brother!" Alice must have hit a nerve when she stabbed Lev because the usually quiet and composed Ksenia was losing it. Her voice was shrill, and Ravyn wasn't sure if the fear or fury came out stronger.

"And why do you think she stabbed your brother? Huh? Alice isn't the type to go around stabbing people for fun. She wouldn't do it unless she was in danger and scared. So, tell me, what did Lev do that created a situation like that?"

The blonde stood tall, taller than Ravyn even, and quickly raised her hand. The slap came hard across her face, but she took it in stride. Ravyn had to channel her inner Torin, not her inner Cal. She could always exact her revenge later when it would hurt more. This wasn't like Ksenia, the quiet and reserved trainer with a love for Cal that really was misplaced. This was a scared and angry animal snapping at anybody who tried to help it (help it see reason, that is).

"Both of you: get out!" Ksenia spat.

"Nope, not happening. If you have that big of a problem, go running to Excalibur or your brother. I'm sure either of those monsters would love to make you feel better." Okay, so Cal wasn't exactly the same type of monster as Lev. He wasn't nearly as bad, even, but he still was far from good.

"My brother may be a monster, but at least he loves me." A slightly maniacal smile filled Ksenia's face, and Ravyn could finally see the resemblance to Lev. Her roommate's dark eyes matched her brother's. But after a blow that low, her expression made perfect sense. It didn't help that Ksenia was correct; Ravyn's brothers didn't want anything to do with her. Peter White Jr. hated her guts, and Nate hadn't talked to her or reached out in years. The last time Ravyn had heard from her oldest brother was when she turned fifteen. Even that had been an impersonal card in the mail with a crisp ten-dollar bill.

Ravyn stood up straight, stepping close. She may not have been as tall as Ksenia, but she was in more control, better trained, and faster. They had sparred each other before since Ksenia was a trainer and made a good partner, and Ravyn almost always won. She was willing to hedge her bets on this one.

"No, you're right. But you don't see me defending a would-be rapist, so get out of my room, Ksenia. Side with the devil all you want, but you aren't allowed to do it here."

Stiffening, Ksenia raised her hand again to slap Ravyn, but the other girl caught it this time.

"Get out. And don't come back until you realize where your loyalties should actually lie." She dropped the taller girl's hand and watched as she spun out, slamming the door behind her. As soon as she was gone, Ravyn swore loudly.

"Alice, remind me never to allow somebody to slap me again because that hurt a lot more than I remembered." She walked back over to her bed and crawled next to Alice, pulling the scared girl in for a bear hug.

"We'll tell your brother about this tomorrow, okay? And we'll get everything figured out. So let's just watch some cheesy chick flick tonight and try and forget about it all for the rest of the night." Alice nodded into Ravyn's shoulders, and as the tears fell against her skin, she pulled her closer. But Ravyn was right. They'd get everything figured out eventually. They had to. 

sorry for no updates for two weeks; Rachel's life went a little crazy and she didn't have the brain capacity to edit the new uploads. This seems to be remedied.

Also sorry, but totally not sorry, for leaving you on that last cliffhanger (or at least dramatic ending).

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