The Origin Story (Bonus)

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Atticus, surprise surprise, couldn't sleep yet again. It was the third night in a row being up at three am when he had to be up at five. But he wasn't tired! Sure, the meds probably didn't help any, but he wasn't about to stop taking those.
With a sigh of resolve, he stood and walked from his dormitory down to the kitchen in his hall. He hummed quietly. If it hadn't been three am and he wasn't worried about waking up the other boys (he could take them with ease, but that didn't mean he wanted to) he would have whistled instead. He entered the kitchen but soon paused. A girl with a horrendous head wound sat on the kitchen floor, using one of his spoons (he was the only one with gold silverware) to eat Nutella. But Ace didn't own any Nutella. He didn't usually eat it because then he would eat a whole jar in one sitting.
"I can explain," the girl with dark hair and light eyes spoke up. Atticus raised an eyebrow, and her gaze fell to the floor.
"Okay, so I can't explain." He laughed, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of the situation. After grabbing a spoon from his drawer, he plopped down next to her and stole the jar, taking a large spoonful before handing it back.
"So what brings you to the boys dormitory at 3am with a nasty cut on your forehead?" Atticus asked, looking the girl over. Even with the large scrape and some dried blood on her cheek he could tell she was beautiful. She shrugged.
"Unimportant. But I'm here. What's your name?" she countered.
"Atticus, but sometimes my friends call me Ace."
"Well, Ace, it's a pleasure to meet you. Ravyn White, at your service."
If Atticus knew what he was getting himself into on the day after Ravyn turned sixteen, well, maybe he wouldn't have stayed. But he did. And he didn't regret it at all.

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