Chapter 13: Land of the Giants

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Bjorn had never been particularly gifted when it came to riding, so needless to say he felt awful after the first hour with the princess in front of him. And it just got worse during the other seven until they finally stopped to make camp.

"So...what are we going to do with her?" Bjorn asked as he more or less pulled the woman off his saddle.

"Tie her to a tree or something? I don't know." Taya said, "The only thing on my mind right now is...Peng, that was fucking amazing!"

Peng flinched as Taya shouted at him.

"I mean, how did you make something that even does that?" she exclaimed.

"I, uh...I had some help." Peng muttered, clearly unused to getting this much attention.

Dust seemed to materialize from the air, assembling into a humanoid figure made of wood with metal decorum on its body.

"This is the Fool Carpenter, my Shedim." Peng said.

As Taya and, more gently, Ruhak and Cecile showed Peng their appreciation, Bjorn dragged the princess to a tree and used another bola to tie her down.

He too thought Peng's strategy was pretty amazing. Though, it was more than just the Shedim. The ability to make something like the rig of crossbows he described required incredible knowledge and skill. Where did someone learn how to do that?

"I think I recognize that man with you." the princess muttered.

Bjorn ignored her.

"The Nikan man. He's not what you think."

"If you're trying to convince me he's a traitor, you may want to reevaluate your strategy." Bjorn sighed.

"He was born with a Shedim. He was Silenced as a child and we can use-"

"Oh my, I'm so betrayed." Bjorn muttered. "How could I possibly trust my ally after someone whose first impression was just murder told me he's lying?"

"He'll be your downfall, Ascomanni." Yahui called.

He walked back over to the others.

"Bjorn, Bjorn!" Taya called to him, shouting like an excitable child, "Peng said he's gonna stay with us!"

"That's good. Glad to know you're with us." Bjorn offered Peng a smile.

"I was involved in the kidnapping of one of my royals. So even if I did go back, they'd find out eventually and just execute me." Peng explained, laughing nervously, "I think I'd have better odds of living with you four."

"So..." Ruhak spoke up, "Are we going to stick with our plan? Or are the Bane Knights cause for reconsideration?"

"The Koini border is only a few days away, meaning we can get our ferry within three weeks." Taya said, "We should be fine to continue along that path. Cecile, can you get a fire going?"

Cecile nodded, "Sure."

"I'll hitch the horses. Ruhak, you go collect firewood. Peng, we got some water skins. Can you go fill them up at that stream? Bjorn, you go watch the prisoner." Taya said.

Bjorn nodded and made his way over to the princess.

"Aw, now I have no one to listen to my stories." she pouted with faux disappointment.

"I'm not exactly pleased either, princess." Bjorn muttered.

"Drop the formalities. I insist you call me Yahui." she said.

Bjorn grunted in response.

"You know, these ropes with balls on them don't exactly stop me from using my Shedim." Yahui said, "And as far as I know, you're far newer at this than I am. I could just set this whole place aflame."

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