Chapter 7: Hangouts & First Kisses

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Ozzie's POV

"Why are you guys here so late?!" Dane asks as soon as we walk into the bungalow.

"Um... we were uh—"

"Did you guys hook up last night?" Jude gasps.

"What?!" I shriek. "No! Fuck no!"

"Oh sorry. We had just assumed—"

"Don't go assuming anything," Luke chimes in. "Anyway, do y'all wanna just chill today? I know one of us has to have a huge hangover at least."

"That would be me," Jude says raising a hand sheepishly.

"I thought you snuck off to Sunny's!"

"I did. And then her parent found us making out in her bed and they kicked me out."


"Yeah... I won't be showing my face around there anytime soon."

"But Jude, don't you really like this girl?" Dane says.

"Of course I do."

"Then march right back up to her house and tell her parents how you feel about their daughter. I'm sure they'll come around."

"That's actually not the worst idea on the planet. I'll do it once I don't have a massive hangover. So, movie anyone?"

We ended up deciding on Superbad—one of our group staples. It makes the boys cackle and I will admit it's funny, too. We all gather on the couch and ohmigod Luke sits next to me and spreads a blanket across the two of us.

Jude and Dane are so engrossed in the movie, so Luke obviously sees that as an opportunity. He slowly traces his fingers along my inner thigh, and I practically jump at the contact. I can feel him smiling next to me, and that makes me go insane.

"Stop," I whisper in his ear.

"If you can tell me that you wholeheartedly want me to stop, I will. But if you can't, I'm gonna keep going."

I look him in the eyes and position myself towards him. "I can't tell you to stop."

"That's what I thought."

Jude and Dane never notice; they just focus on the movie for the duration of it. But I can't pay attention at all.

All I can pay attention to is Luke.


"Why would you do that?!" I yell at Luke once we're in my room later that night. "You could've made everything so awkward."

"Don't even pretend you didn't like it."

"I'm not saying I didn't like it, I'm saying you could've blown our cover!"

"And what cover is that exactly? Because all I know is that you've been fucking with my head for years! And now that I can finally touch you and have you enjoy it, you want to push me away again!"

"I don't want to ruin our friendship! Can't you see that?!"

"Of course I can!" he yells. Good thing no one else is home. "But if you don't by now that I have feelings for you, you're simply in denial of them, Ozzie."

"I know you have feelings for me. I have for years," I sob. "But I didn't know what to do. Because honestly, I haven't reciprocated them until a little while ago."

"Then what's the problem? We like each other, Ozzie. You don't just ignore that."

I pause for a moment before saying, "I can't do that to Jude and Dane. If we broke up our entire friend group would be too."

"When are you ever going to stop holding back?" he whispers.

"Goodnight, Luke."

He hurries out the door and I shut it behind him. What the hell just happened? I had a fight with my best friend that's in love with me over the fact that I'm in love with him too! What has this summer become? Ugh!

But he told me to stop holding back.

So here I go.

I open my bedroom door to see him still hunched over the frame. I grab him by his shirt collar and drag him into my room before kissing him intensely. He wraps his arms around my torso and drags me closer and closer and closer to him. I feel his tongue slip between my lips, and I gasp. I've never had a kiss this passionate; it's making my head spin. I feel him lower me onto my bed and hover over me. I open my eyes to see his icy blue ones staring back at me.

Oh my god. He takes his shirt off. "Is this okay?" he mumbles before kissing my neck.

"Yes," I whisper before taking my own shirt off. I unclip my bra and he smiles at me. "Hi."

"Hi. Do you wanna do this? We don't have to."

"I want to."

I see his pupils dilate and he kisses me softer this time. "Ozzie," he moans into the kiss. "There's so much I want to tell you."

"We can talk tomorrow. Not right now." I kiss him again and smile.

This night has quite literally flipped upside down. But in the best way possible.


Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

Last night I slept with my best friend. Not the innocent "slept with my best friend" where you quite literally sleep next to each other. The other "slept with my best friend". The more... not so innocent one.

"Hi," Luke whispers as he squeezes my torso under the sheets. "How'd you sleep?"

"We were up all night, so I only slept an hour and so did you," I chuckle.

"Worth it though."

I smile at him and lean over to give him a kiss. I feel him lean against me and smile against my lips. I run a hand through his hair when I pull away and he gives me another kiss but on the cheek.

"I do want to talk about what happened between us last night..." he starts. "I've never felt this way before about anyone."

"You're kidding."

"I'm not," he says rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I'm scared to say it."

"Don't be," I reassure him. "Just tell me, Luke!"

"It's so scary to say though," he whispers. "Ozzie, I've never told a girl what I'm about to tell you."

"What could possibly be that bad?"

"It's not bad. I promise."

"Then what is it?" I whisper against his lips.


"I love you."





He loves me?

Luke loves me?

My best friend... is in love with me?!

I wrap my arms around his neck and drag him towards me as I kiss him deeply. He groans into the kiss and puts his hands on my shoulders while he kisses me to steady himself.

"I love you too."

Did that just come out of my mouth? And why did it come out so easily?

"You do?" he chuckles.

"I do."

"I wasn't expecting anything in return, but—"

I cut him off with another kiss. "Be my boyfriend," I tell him.

"Of course I will be. You drive me crazy though."

"And you make me sick."

Ozzie Blake and Some Twisted Fate Where stories live. Discover now