Chapter 11: Lies & Sophie

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Luke's POV

"I was hoping we could go out to dinner tonight," I say to Ozzie when we get up a few mornings later.

"I... actually have plans tonight."

"Oh. Alright, that's cool. Where are you headed?"

"Just to the boardwalk to bike around."

"Can you bring home some pizza then?"

"Sure, babe," she tells me with a kiss on the cheek.

That's weird. She's being distant... and for what?

"Can you come to the boardwalk to get the pizza and then I'll just chill there for a little bit?"

"Yeah, sure. I can meet you there at 7."

"Perfect." She gives me a quick kiss on the lips before disappearing out of the room. I try to let the fact that she was being incredibly vague not bother me.


Ozzie told me to meet her at the boardwalk pizzeria at 7, so here I am. She hasn't been around all day, and frankly, I miss her.

I spot her out of the corner of my eye a minute later but she doesn't seem to notice me. I watch as she walks into the restaurant with a brunette girl around our age and sigh a sigh of relief. Why would she be so secretive if she was just meeting with a friend? It's no biggie.

I watch as she comes out of the restaurant with a pizza box, and I finally understand why she was being so secretive.

The brunette she's with is the same one both of us hooked up with.


Why the fuck is she with Sophie? They broke up! A long ass time ago too! And she's with me now! I just don't get it—am I not enough for her? 

I watch as the girls head back to their bikes and notice Ozzie is looking for me. I don't try to get her attention; I want to watch her and Sophie a little bit longer. I know it's wrong of me to be spying on her, but is Ozzie cheating on me?! 

When Ozzie looks around and doesn't spot me, she turns back around towards Sophie. They each take a slice of pizza and gobble it up before Sophie leans in and—

God, I can't watch this any longer!

Sophie was obviously going in for a kiss; I just couldn't stand to watch. I had to turn away.

And so I hop on my bike and hurry myself back home.

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